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The article looks at the different innovations that have come in the assessment as well as the treatment of individuals that have been incarcerated. The article looks at the concerns that the inmates have and their general mental health as compared to rehabilitation. The prisons population can be described as a complex population that requires different approaches and therefore, different wants. There has been integration of several different resources in a bid to aid future research in relation to mental health care in correctional facilities.
There is integration of technology, health care as well several scientific knowledge in order to ensure that people incarcerated are able to be treated with mental health. There are several areas where incarcerated men and women are known to have problems with, this is includes dimension assessment, neuropsychological assessment as well as suicide risk assessment. There is a lot of maladaptive behavior in the prisons and some of these behaviors can be cooled down with adequate help from trained professionals.
There is a need to ensure that there is broader range when it comes to interventions and this will ensure that indeed the psychologists and psychiatrists are able to further the assessment work. The fact that persons have been incarcerated does not mean that they are not liable to the health and therefore, there is a need to increase the assessment that is currently being given in correctional facilities.
However, the impact of this often depends on psychologists who often depend largely on both collective as well as individual initiatives when it comes to the promotion of the benefits that the assessment offers. More than two million people in the United States are confined in the United States prisons. This number often needs to be treated with mental health problems and they should be first assessed before anything else.
There are three types of aggression that exists in the correctional facilities of the United States. The first one is referred to as predatory aggression and it accompanies the reinforcement of a goal. Irritable aggression can be described as a frustration to insult and is often brought about by an angry effect. Lastly, there is defensive aggression and this type of aggression involves persons who believe that they are being attacked and therefore, in most cases they often launch a retaliatory attack. There are several assessment tools that can be used to understand this type of aggression. They include the use of an information processing phenomenon. From this point on, it can be described that indeed there is evaluation after the process of Information processing phenomenon.
There are also several other assessment methods that were used, they include the intervention of the process of has led about several PET protocols. If the persons in the correctional facilitates then there is a need to invest in terms of assessment tools in order to ensure that there is an optimal. The aggression that exists amongst persons within the prison walls can be described as an assessment tool that needs to be completed.
There is a need to ensure that one has what can be described as nonexistent and unclear report together with the feelings of self-blame that might impede the clinicians and they ae successfully make it happen in the identification of assaults. From this article, it can be seen that indeed there is a need to ensure that several areas are exposed. However, this should be done on a moderate level.
Caligor, E. (2010). Psychiatric Assessment of Aggressive Patients:A Violent Attack on a Resident. Am J Psychiatry, 253-259.
Lovell, D. (2012). Felony and Violent Recidivism Among Supermax Prison Inmates in Washington State: A Pilot Study. Recidivism of Supermax Inmates, 1-22.
Robert Ax, T. F. (2012). Innovations in Correctional Assessment and Treatment . Robert Ax, Thomas Fagan, 893-205.
Stanford Prison Argumentative Essay
A prison or a correctional facility is supposed to offer individuals with rehabilitation and offer the inhabitants with a new life. The inhabitants of prison facilities are offered with activities and lessons that are meant to help them change their lives for the better. The number of inhabitants of prisons and correctional facilities has been on the rise, over the past few years. The increase in the number of prisoners is due to the increase in crime rates and law offenders in the nation. The Stanford Prison Experiment by Philip Zimbardo revealed some issues that were not known by many concerning prisons and other correctional facilities. The results from the mock prison experiment were compared to the current situation of prisons and other correctional facilities in real time. The Stanford Prison Experiment offered a chance to look at the social behavior of prisoners and prison guards and possible causes of the social behavior (Lovaglia, 2007, 34).
The major lesson from the Stanford Prison Experiment by Philip Zimbardo is the behavior of the prisoners and prison guards in the facility. It is expected that prison guards are expected to be tough since they are dealing with law offenders. However, it is important to admit that the prisoners are in the facility due to different activities that were considered as breaking the law. The prisoners also had different reasons for their actions despite being in the same facility. One mistake that prison guards make is to consider that all prisoners are evil, and, therefore, should be treated with excess force. The mock prison guards in the experiment did the same, treated all the prisoners in a unison way. This is the reason some individuals were not able to last for the six days that the program run and had to be let free. The abusive behavior of the prison guards has an effect on the social behavior of the prisoners.
Another challenge posed by the results from the experiment is to figure out a way to solve the problem. The experiment proved beyond doubt that the setting of a prison greatly influences the behavior of the prison guards, as well as the prisoners. It did not take long for the prison guards in the mock prison to start using their power to make the prisoners feel inferior. Despite all the volunteers being college-age individuals, those assigned the role of being prison guards quickly took the power and used it to their advantage. Therefore, one would wonder how worse the situation can get in a real correctional facility or prison. The solution to the problem lies with changing the mentality of the prison guards, the prisoners and about the facility itself. The prison guards need to understand their role in the facility is not to mistreat the prisoners. Therefore, their activities should be more concerned with helping the prisoners become better individuals in the society, rather than causing them more pain. The prisoners also need to consider prison as a correctional facility, and, therefore, work hard to change their bad habits and do something constructive with their lives.
The experiment was supposed to run for a fortnight, but only lasted for six days. Phillip Zimbardo decided to end the mock prison experiment six days later, after witnessing the effect it had on the volunteers. A number of prisoners were released from the facility, with the first one leaving only thirty-six hours after the experiment had started. The danger behind the experiment is that the prisoners were in danger of being physically or mentally damaged. After the end of the experiment, Zimbardo and his team called back the volunteers to undergo some checks. The checks were meant to see if the data collected from the volunteers showed any signs of after effects. Therefore, the mock prison experiment showed that the social roles of a prison facility are highly stereotyped. The environment of the prison plays a great role in defining the character of the prison guards and the prisoners.
In conclusion, the Stanford Prison Experiment by Philip Zimbardo shed light on the situation expected in a real prison. Prison guards need to respect the power given to them by the facilities and not misuse it like they do most times. Therefore, the use of force should be limited to only when it is extremely necessary. This does not mean that the guards should be lenient with the prisoners, but still it is not a reason to handle them with cruelty (Smeulers and Fred, 2011, 239). Prison guards should learn to take responsibility for their actions and avoid pleasing themselves by putting the blame on others. One of the prisoners in the experiment, Prisoner 8612, was released before thirty-six were over after the experiment started. He was released due to depression, uncontrollable crying, and disorganized thinking. The prisoner was affected by the constant insults, physical aggressiveness, use of crude instruments to put prisoners in line. The Stanford Prison Experiment by Philip Zimbardo showed that something needs to be done to the prison system and change the current situation.
Stanford Prison Annotated Bibliography
Huemer, Michael. The Problem of Political Authority: An Examination of the Right to Coerce and the Duty to Obey. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. Print.
The author in a section of the book looks at the Stanford Experiment and the lessons learnt. The Stanford Experiment was supposed to run for two weeks but was ended prematurely after six days. The prisoners were relieved since the suffering they had endured was unimaginable. The prison guards, on the other hand, were disappointed by end of the experiment since that meant an end to their power. The Stanford Experiment shed the light on the impact of correctional facilities on the behavior of the individuals in the facility. The impact does not spare the prisoners from the prison guards, and they are all affected. The difference in power between a prison guard and a prisoner is a key contributor to the behavior of individuals in the facility.
The experiment highlighted the effect of power on individuals, though not all are affected, some individuals take the slightest chance and use it to the maximum. The social environment of the prison defines the behavior of the prisoner, according to how he or she will adapt to the new environment. Therefore, in such an environment, individuality is slowly taken away by the social environment. The author asks the question, “But why inflict suffering and humiliation on the prisoners?” (Huemer, 2013, 133). The author agrees with the views of George Orwell; the only way a man can show power over another, is to inflict suffering on the other individual. The abusive behavior of prison guards to prisoners and their use of unnecessary force is also something that can be learnt from the experiment. The prison guards show their power over the prisoners through inflicting constant humiliation and pain.
Lovaglia, Michael J. Knowing People: The Personal Use of Social Psychology. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2007. Print.
The author takes a look at the Stanford Prison Experiment and the relation of the lessons from the experiment to social psychology. The reaction of the prison guards and the prisoners was even worse than what Phillip Zimbardo expected. The prison guards quickly took advantage of the power given to them by the institution to molest the prisoners. This is without regarding that the prisoners had different reasons for their actions despite being in the same facility. The guards seem to be enjoying mistreating the prisons, forgetting that they are all college students. Considering the events of the experiment, one is left to wonder how worse the situation gets in a real prison.
The environment of the prison has a great influence on the social psychology of the prisoners and the prison guards. This explains why the prisoners and their guards behave in the way that they do. Some prisoners might join a prison setting without any heart for fights or violence, however, the environment they are subjected to causes them to adapt. The prisoners try to fight back but since they do not have any power like the prison guards, there is very little that they can do. The prisoners resolve to mock and insult the prison guards with every chance that they have since the word of mouth is the only weapon they have (Lovaglia, 2007, 88). Prison guards need to learn that prisons are correctional facilities, not detention camps. Therefore, they should use their capacity to enforce change in the lives of prisoners, not inflict more pain.
Smeulers, Alette, and Fred Grünfeld. International Crimes and Other Gross Human Rights Violations: A Multi and Interdisciplinary Textbook. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2011. Print.
In the sixth chapter of the book, the authors take a look at the Stanford Experiment carried out by Phillip Zimbardo. After the experiment, “Zimbardo wrote a book after he had been requested to be an expert witness in the trial of Ivan Chip Fredrick” (Smuelers and Fred, 2011, 238. Fredrick’s trial was among the cases of the American Soldiers who stood trial for the Abu Ghraib scandal. The behavior of the soldiers in Abu Ghraib was parallel to the behavior of the mock prisoners in his experiment. Zimbardo was frustrated that the facts of the situations were not considered when viewing the behavior of the American Soldiers in Abu Ghraib. Zimbardo received heavy criticism for the experiment, and some critics considered it immoral to put volunteers in such a situation.
The experiment was a success in creating what can be considered as the worst scenarios that occur in a real prison. However, the success of the experiment came at the cost of the suffering of the volunteers.The experiment in a great way highlighted the influence of environment on the inhabitants, to be specific the prison environment. The experiment showed the effect of people being given the power and how they use it to handle other people. The prison guards used their power to mistreat the prisoners, forgetting that they were all college kids and had volunteered for an experiment. Therefore, with such data, one is left wondering how worse the situation can be in a real prison. The behavior of the guards was a representation of the harsh human nature that prison guards portray due to their power.
Zimbardo, Philip. “The Stanford Prison Experiment.” Crosscurrents: Reading in the Disciplines. Ed. Eric Carl Link, and Steven Frye. Ed. Rogers State University Custom. Upper Saddle River: Pearson, 2014. 711-724. Print.
The book article reviewed was written by Phillip Zimbardo, and he talks about the Stanford Prison Experiment that he carried out with the help of volunteers. The main idea of the experiment was to learn the effect of prisons on the behavior of prisoners and prison guards as well. The experiment involved twenty-one men of college-age, chosen from the seventy-five volunteers. The prison experiment was supposed to run for two weeks, but it only ran for six days (Zimbardo, 711). The setting in which the prisoners and prison guards were placed in had been recreated to resemble a prison. During the experiment, some of the prisoners had to let go home after experiencing complications. Through the experiment, Phillip, and other psychologists were able to ascertain the social impact of a correctional facility on the prisoners and prison guards.
The experiment did not run for the intended two weeks and instead lasted only for six days. The fate of those who were to act as prisoners and prison guards was decided through the flip of a coin. The experiment was a great revelation on the social impacts of a prison on prisoners and prison guards. According to the results recorded from the experiment, the setting of the prison has a great impact on the behavior of the prison guards, as well as that of prisoners. This was evident in the behavior of the mock prisoners, and prison guards were almost like that of a real prison. The prison guards used their power to oppress and manipulate the prisoners while the prisoners used every chance they had to get back at the prison guards and their fellow prisoners. The behavior of the prisoners and the prison guards was a result of: “the combination of realism and symbolism in the experiment” (Zimbardo, 717).
Smeulers, Alette, and Fred Grünfeld. International Crimes and Other Gross Human Rights Violations: A Multi and Interdisciplinary Textbook. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2011. Print.
Lovaglia, Michael J. Knowing People: The Personal Use of Social Psychology. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2007. Print.
Huemer, Michael. The Problem of Political Authority: An Examination of the Right to Coerce and the Duty to Obey. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. Print.
Zimbardo, Philip. “The Stanford Prison Experiment.” Crosscurrents: Reading in the Disciplines. Ed. Eric Carl Link, and Steven Frye. Ed. Rogers State University Custom. Upper Saddle River: Pearson, 2014. 711-724. Print.
Both jails and prisons hold inmates or people associated with crime. For this reason, most people assume that jails are pretty much the same as prisons. A known fact is that the county jail is custody to people serving short terms of less than 24 months while the state prison is home for convicts serving longer sentences (Pelaez, 2008). However, there are other significant characteristics that cut the line between the county jail and state prison. Information on the difference between the state prison and the county jails is particularly important to family members to convicts, law experts and citizens who would like to understand. In most cases, civilians do not understand the difference in life at the county jail and that of the state prison. This essay clearly explains the major differences between the state prison and county jail in the United States.
The county jails hold alleged criminals, suspects and people awaiting trial but are unable to pay the bond. Convicts serving short terms are also held at the county jail. As a result, the county jail is structured for temporal holding of convicts and persons awaiting trial. On the other hand, the state prison is rather permanent in the sense that the people held there serve long terms of more than a year. The design and architecture are made to ensure maximum security to ensure that the convicts are completely confined in the prison (Pelaez, 2008). Most people in the state prison are already convicted criminals although some of them may have applied for an appeal hearing. There is a visible difference in the architecture and design of the county jail and that of the state prison.
County jail and the state prison are run by different offices. The county jail is run by the county sheriff department. All the operations including record keeping, assigning of duties and security are controlled from the office of the sheriff. On the other hand, the state prison is run by the state government. Management and control are all coordinated from the state government. The prison does not receive instructions from any other office apart from the office of the president through the responsible officials. In addition, the state prison confines offender who have broken state laws only and not federal laws.
The state prison has infrastructure and programs aimed at helping the inmates adopt crime free lives. These programs include training on essential skills of survival such as making furniture, information technology and playing music instruments among others. The skills are meant to help them make a living after completing their term and also to keep they occupied during the time that they are in prison. On the other hand, the county jail lacks training facilities and recreational programs for inmates (Katz, 2012). As stated earlier, the inmates are either in the jail temporarily or serving a term of less than 24 months. Therefore, there is no need to engage them in self-development programs. Still on the structure, county jail is way smaller in size as compared to the state prison. The argument is that county jails hold inmates temporarily and also the number of the convicts is small.
The nature of crime is also a factor that differentiates the state prison from the county jail. Convicts held in the county jail are mostly offenders involved in lesser crimes (Katz, 2012). Most of the convicts are not considered dangerous to the citizens. According to the law, these are criminals who are capable to change possibly by the time they complete their term. On the other hand, the state prison holds high profile criminals who are considered dangerous to the public. While convicts in the county jail could undertake public service activities such as cleaning the streets, convicts from the state prison are not allowed to interact with people (Schlanger, 2003).
The other difference is in the means of acquiring funding. Funding for the state prison comes from the state legislatures. The funding is higher but relative to the functions that are undertaken by the state prison. Again the state prison raises income through the sale of products made by inmates. A section of the funds helps in improving the prisons by providing basic needs for the prisoners (Schlanger, 2003). The state prison does not struggle in funding its programs because it has several sources of income. On the contrary, the county jail faces quite a number of issues attached to inadequate funding. The county jail sources its funding from the county commissions. Again there are limited sources of funding, and even the money generated the sheriff do not have full control over how it is spent (Schlanger, 2003).
In conclusion, it is evident that the state prison and county jail are two closely related but very different institutions. People tend to view them as equals in terms of the roles they play, but it is clear from the above discussion that by differ in a big way. Understand the difference explains a lot about how decisions on where specific criminals should be held are made. The fact that the two institutions perform closely related functions does not imply that they are the same.
Katz,. D. (2012). What is the difference between jail and prison.
Pelaez,. V. (2008). The prison industry in the united states: big business or a new form of slavery.
Schlanger, M. (2003). Differences between jails and prisons.
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