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Social Science Topic
How acceptance and promotion of other racial/ethnic groups by parents/guardians in and out of a household influences an openness to interracial dating by their children
Fletcher, A.C., Bridges, T.H., Hunter, A.G.(2007). Managing children’s friendships through interparental relationships: Roles of ethnicity and friendship context. Journal of Marriage and Family, 69(5), 1135-1149.
As the paper states, the study focused on mothers and how they decided on who their children interacted with and under what content. More specifically the study dealt with an African American mother and European mother. The findings were that factors such as where they live, what extracurricular activities they were involved in, and what schools they went to all affect who their children will form relationships with. Furthermore, findings proved that children differ in reactions to building relationships based on who and what their mother’s decide to surround them with.
Database: Communication & Mass Media Complete
Key Terms Used When Researching: race AND dating
Killen, M., Kelly, M.C., Richardson, C., Crystal, D., Ruck, M. (2010). European American children's and adolescents' evaluations of interracial exclusion. Group Processes Intergroup Relations, 13(3), 283-300.
his paper’s findings are that ethnic majority children and teenagers rely on their experiences when it comes to deciding whether to form a relationship with someone, more specifically an interracial relationship. Experiences such as having been exposed to diversity at home and school lead to a better conception of other ethnic groups. Findings also showed that the more a child’s world involves an accepting of ethnic minorities the less they will exclude and fulfill negative connotations.
Database: Communication & Mass Media Complete
Key Terms Used When Researching: race AND dating
Rhetoric Topic: “Rosie the Riveter”
Kimble, James J., and Lester C. Olson “Visual Rhetoric Representing Rosie the Riveter: Myth and Misconception in J. Howard Miller’s “We Can Do It!” Poster.” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 9 (2006): 533-569. Communication and Mass Media Complete.
The paper provides an intake into J. Howard Miller’s “Rosie the Riveter” poster featured in World War II and focuses on how all of the fame and idolization of the poster are all based on lies and historical improbabilities. The paper analyzes the poster and argues that there was no importance given to it during the war (due to the fact that it was never featured in factories where women worked and citizens were never exposed to it) and that most importantly questions its so-called empowerment of women. Furthermore, the analysis states that “Rosie the Riveter” is neither a reflection nor a token of history as well as a poor attempt to empower women given that minorities were not depicted in the poster.
Database: Communication & Mass Media Complete
Key Terms Used When Researching: rosie w1 the w1 riveter
Hinds, Hillary and Stacey, Jackie. "Imaging Feminism, Imaging Femininity: The Bra-Burner, Diana, and the Woman Who Kills." Feminist Media Studies 1 (2001): 153-177. Communication and Mass Media Complete.
This article gives an analysis on images that represent feminism as explored in the British press. The author’s analyzed three “iconic figures”; “bra-burning”, Princess Diana and Sara Thornton a British woman convicted for murdering her husband. The analysis states that “bra-burning” was too quick to be trivialized by the press, the fact that the movement never made that their official name or purpose took from the feminist movement. The insinuation of violence diminished the true nature of the act. An analysis is also offered for Princess Diana’s “Panorama” interview in which she disclosed several issues that she dealt with such as “…bulimia, anorexia and self-harm…” In addition she spoke of how she overcame those issues, but the paper focuses on how the press was only eager to make Princess Diana a feminist icon if and only if she continued speaking of her suffering. Lastly, Thornton’s murder conviction resulting from her murdering her highly abusive husband was romanticized by the press and in essence sold the story that feminist kill. All in all, the paper gives an analysis on how feminism has been painted by the British Press and how there continues to be a fight between feminism and femininity.
Database: Communication & Mass Media Complete
Key Terms Used When Researching: feminism AND icons
Online dating can be said to have opened a huge door to people that have had bad luck in dating as well as people that are busy, self employed or live in small towns. It can be argued that online dating has become a way of life for millions of people around the world that are seeking to find somebody and settle down and spend their lives. Online dating sites can be described as great tools for single people to be able to connect with each other (Kindig 12). In fact, it is very common in the 21st century for a relationship to start in a dating website. There are however several advantages and disadvantages of online dating. This paper is going to look at some of the advantages as well as disadvantages of online dating.
The first advantage is having the chance to meet people that one would not normally meet. This can be described as arguably the best advantage that online dating has to offer. There is just not enough time in the real world to try and sort people that one meets every hard. In fact, in the real world it is absolutely hard to tell who is single let alone who one is likely to be compatible with (Webb, 24). Therefore, online dating often removes all these difficulties and acts as a kind of hub for different single people that are looking to date. Further, there are matching services that most online dating sites possess which help a person to find somebody that they are more likely to click with.
The second advantage is that online dating often saves time. This is especially important for busy people, it often takes forever to find somebody who can be described as interesting let alone somebody that is interesting as well as single. It is of the essence to note that busy people cannot wait forever for people that are interesting in order to date them. Online dating in many cases gets straight to the point as there is a collection of like-minded people that are interested in finding dates (Kindig, 87). This saves people loads of time and therefore, it can be argued that matchmaking services often process information even further.
In online dating, there is less fear of rejection and anxious people can be able to express themselves freely, this is as compared to the real experience where approaching interesting is almost impossible. Online dating can be described as being less personal and consequently, one can be able to feel fewer reservations when talking to an online person. In the online dating experience, one will not get a date every day, however, one will not have the worry of being shut down by somebody that one would have to see each and every day.
Lastly, dating sites often bring thousands of single people that are often interested in meeting new people together (Kindig, 21). The speed as well as the ability of the internet and the ability of persons to post personality profiles can be said to make the finding of potential dates a breeze compared to the meeting of random people.
There are however several disadvantages that come with online dating. Firstly, there is the issue of distance. The internet often breaks down the distance barrier for a lot of situations but not dating. If one is not careful, one might find one chatting with someone else that often lives far away from being a viable partner. This is especially made worse when one clicks with that person. Secondly, many people in the online dating scene often lie about several things in order to look attractive and interesting. One might be disappointed to find that the person that he or she thought was interesting was actually a fake. Further, when one meets and talks to people on a dating site, one usually has less information to work off. This is because one does not know their friends and cannot even ask around about them. Therefore, one has just to trust their word not exactly knowing whether what they are saying is true or false.
Finally, there is the issue of safety and security, there is a need to take ensure that one is able to ensure that he or she meets the person in a public place. This is because there have been cases of sexual predators that often disguise as interesting dating partners. Further, it can also be difficult to know whether one is attracted to a person over computer (SCHWARTZ, 67). This is because the level of attraction is often based on several qualities most of which cannot be simply conveyed through textual communication as well as still photos. There are things such as quirky behaviorisms, and facial expressions, personal hygiene as well as other factors that might come into play in the dating scene but cannot be conveyed through online dating.
In conclusion, there are both advantages as well as disadvantages when it comes to online dating and there is a need for people to realize these pros and cons before they think of entering into the virtual dating sites
Webb, Amy. Data, a Love Story: How I Cracked the Online Dating Code to Meet My Match. New York: Plume, 2014. Print.
Kindig, Tess E, and Terry Brown. Luv@first Site. Nashville, Tenn: Tommy Nelson, 2000. Print.
SCHWARTZ, J. (2000). The complete idiot's guide to online dating and relating. Indianapolis, Ind, Que. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&scope=site&db=nlebk&d....
Dirty Harry is a figurative terms used to refer to any member of the force that does not work according to the stipulated guidelines. Often Dirty Harry officers make decisions that lean towards vigilantism. The officer can be involved in public shooting and excessive use of force to apprehend criminals. Due to his trigger-happy status, a Dirty Harry exercises instant justice according to what he deems fit.
Nobles, R., & Schiff, D. (2001). Due Process and Dirty Harry Dilemmas: Criminal Appeals and the Human Rights Act. Modern Law Review, 64(6), 911-922. doi:10.1111/1468-2230.00359
Policing places the officers in situation in which they have the choice to purse good outcomes. Pursuance of the good deeds often proves challenging such that the officers resort to the use of violence or dirty means to attain the good outcomes. Whenever the ends have to be attained in a state of urgency and the chances of attaining these goals are, only promising if the police use dirty means. In this case, the police face genuine issues of the ethical parameters. The dilemma in this case is that the police officer will not be clean from the situation if he uses quasi-dirty means, fully dirty means or walks away. Dirty Harry presents a challenge whereby one could think that he or she has escaped the inescapable dilemma. The misunderstanding of the dilemma often leads to dire consequences for the police. Dangers of Dirty Harry include loss of the care or concern for the plight of the people, cynicism and lots of emotional intelligence such that they lose their ability to control their application of the dirty means. In this case, the police and the actual purpose of their existence are lost in the justification of the cruelty or brutality targeted towards the people.
Hartman, D. (1981). Dirty Harry. New York: Warner Books.
There are no clear definition of the moment when the morally acceptable action start and when they stop. The final good could be perceived as the main motivation behind some actions by the police such as the use of force on the citizen however, the wide acceptance of the factors that make an action excusable, as a means to a good end are not clear. The balance between the good and evil deeds of the place is always on a moving scale. The author opines that the development of a means of defining what is acceptable or not is a daunting task or an impossibility. Therefore, there is no way of defining the character of a dirty police since as along as the motive is to enforce the law, the means as acceptable as long as they are viable and not based on the outright neglect of the law.
Klockars, C. (1980). The Dirty Harry Problem. The ANNALS Of The American Academy Of Political And Social Science, 452(1), 33-47. doi:10.1177/000271628045200104
Dirty Harry problem can also be viewed from the position of the law. According to the law, the use of force has to be limited to the situations that are necessary. However, the determination of the criteria to define the necessary situation is not clear. In most of the cases, the criteria differ among different forces and situations. Due to the lack of a common approach to the issue, there is a tendency of the place relying on their own
Rock, P. (1971). Dirty Harry. New York: Bantam Books.
Dirty Harry problem is also an issue of the end justifying the means. The majority of the officers in the police force have training on the way to deal with crime in every situation. However, the training is not sufficient for some situations. During such circumstances, the police officers have to improvise with the handling of the crime. Improvising leads to the use of the discretion of the officers. They often have to use their unorthodox ways to attain the outcome that they are expected to get. The outcomes could be warranted or not.
Yemini, M. (2013). Conflictual Moralities, Ethical Torture: Revisiting the Problem of “Dirty Hands”. Ethical Theory And Moral Practice, 17(1), 163-180. doi:10.1007/s10677-013-9429-0
Dirty Harry problem leads to the contravention of the law. The police mean are allowed to use force in certain circumstances. They are supposed to use the violent means in the event that the suspect has retaliated against them. However, the errant police officers could be consumed by their emotions and proceed to conduct off-book investigations that eventually lead to the death of the suspect. In as much as the police officer has conducted the investigation and helped in making the society a better place for the law-abiding citizens, he has done so after breaking the law on the rights of the suspects. The Miranda rights do not apply in the contexts whereby the police officers operate according to the Dirty Harry tricks. Often the police officers have the privacy to conduct their activities in the absence of the supervision from the superiors. The discretion to carry out the off book investigation is often unaccepted in the force. Therefore, the enforcers of the law end up breaking it to enforce it. Since walking away from the investigation poses a danger to the society, there is a need for the officers to make a quick and accurate decision. Use of violence and conduction of off book investigations is not the most desired approach to the issue.
Dovi, S. (2005). Guilt and the Problem of Dirty Hands. Constellations, 12(1), 128-146. doi:10.1111/j.1351-0487.2005.00406.x
The use of the Dirty Harry tricks also affects the outlook of the force in the eyes of the people. Often the police officers are not the most liked members of the society more so in the minority and crime prevalent neighborhoods. The introduction of the dirty tricks poses an additional danger to the police since the community will lose their trust in the force. The police should not be the judge and the executioner since their job revolves around the enforcement of the law. When the police are contradicting the law that they are supposed to enforce, they automatically lose their legitimacy in the public eyes. In worst cases, they may be targets of crimes in the same neighborhoods. Therefore, the aim of reducing the crime rate by using off books techniques is defeated by the nature of the means of enforcement that are selected by the officers.
Dovi, S. (2005). Guilt and the Problem of Dirty Hands. Constellations, 12(1), 128-146. doi:10.1111/j.1351-0487.2005.00406.x
Hartman, D. (1981). Dirty Harry. New York: Warner Books.
Klockars, C. (1980). The Dirty Harry Problem. The ANNALS Of The American Academy Of Political And Social Science, 452(1), 33-47. doi:10.1177/000271628045200104
Nobles, R., & Schiff, D. (2001). Due Process and Dirty Harry Dilemmas: Criminal Appeals and the Human Rights Act. Modern Law Review, 64(6), 911-922. doi:10.1111/1468- 2230.00359
Rock, P. (1971). Dirty Harry. New York: Bantam Books.
Yemini, M. (2013). Conflictual Moralities, Ethical Torture: Revisiting the Problem of “Dirty Hands”. Ethical Theory And Moral Practice, 17(1), 163-180. doi:10.1007/s10677-013- 9429-0
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