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The book “The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us” is a non-fiction book and is the fourth book by Daniel Pink and was published on the 29th of December 2009. Daniel Pink is a known author a number of motivational books some of which have made it to the top of best selling books of the year. Daniel Pink in this book argues that motivation of people largely depends on them and that this motivation is inclusive of several aspects, which can be divided into three; purpose, mastery and autonomy.
Also in this book “The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us”, Daniel Pink argues against the old modes and methods of motivating people. These old modes and methods of motivation included giving of rewards to the people who achieved certain particular goals or objectives and motivation through the introduction of fear to people by making promises to punish the people if they don’t do things to a certain expected level. According to Pink, these old modes and methods of motivation are heavily dependent on extrinsic factors such as money factors, which dominate them.
In his book Daniel Pink also says that a lot of people in the current world believe that the best way to motivate themselves and others such as friends, families and employees is by giving them external rewards such as money and gifts, an approach that he refers to as the carrot and stick approach. According to Pink, giving of rewards to motivate people is a mistake. Pink argues that the secret to achieving high performance and satisfaction in places of work, schools or at home is largely dependent on the needs of the people to determine the direction that they want their lives to take. Pink also argues that the urge of people to learn new things, create new things and to do better in life with themselves in the world are the major motivators of an individual.
In this book, Pink also exposes a mismatch in the ideas derived from science and how generally businesses work. Daniel Pink did a scientific research for forty years on the motivation of humans and in his book he has managed to expose how the mismatch has affected the various aspects of life. According to Pink the carrot and stick approach of motivating people even though proofing to be effective in the 18th century, it is not an effective approach of motivating people currently in the 21st century. The carrot and stick approach of motivating people is an approach that involves giving of external rewards such as money or presents in order to motivate them. Pink argues that this is currently a wrong way to motivate people in the challenges that they face today.
The book majorly focuses on the three aspects or elements of motivation, which according to Daniel Pink are purpose, mastery and autonomy. Pink, in analyzing these elements and explaining how each of them can be put into action, he uses very smart and surprising techniques. These techniques automatically switches the readers thoughts from the old modes of using external rewards to focusing more on how these three elements can be applied in the day-to-day activities in order to improve human motivation. As an explanatory measure he goes to deep depths to giving a list of companies that are incorporating these new approaches of human motivation and the levels of success of these approaches on the companies. Pink also introduces the readers of this book to a number of scientists and entrepreneurs who have boldly supported the use of this new approach to motivate people.
The book “The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us” by Daniel Pink is therefore generally a book that focuses on human motivation and how different people view human motivation. The book also focuses on the approaches that people put in order to develop human motivation. The book also explains the difference in the effectiveness of the ancient methods of human motivation to the current people of the 21st century. The most important in the book however, is the new elements that have been developed by Daniel Pink after decades of research and how these elements can be put into action in order to boost the effectiveness and the efficiency of human motivation. Daniel Pink also as the author of the book has been an inspiration to a number of people most and especially those that have read his book.
How The Book Relates to Motivation And My Personal Life Experiences
The book “The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us” by Daniel Pink has created a lot of impacts on the issues involving human motivation today. The book has shown a lot of importance and relevance to both companies and individuals who need motivation at their work places, schools or even at home. The book also has enabled its readers to change their perception of human motivation by the introduction of the three major categories of the aspects of motivation, explaining how they work and how they can be put into action.
Purpose On Motivation and My Personal Life Experiences
The first and very important category of the aspects of motivation is the Purpose Category. Purpose is the reason for which an individual or a person does something or creates something and for which a particular thing exists. According to the book, motivation in a person or an individual can be initiated by purpose and an activity that results from purpose as opposed to fear or anticipation for a gift. People who are motivated usually do efficient work and to the best of their ability.
In the current world a lot of internal motivation that have been experienced in people resulted from their reasons for undertaking those particular activities. A good example in which the element of purpose is in the case of students who work hard in order to become excellent professionals in the future. The hard work by the students is not because they are promised money or gifts, but because they know that in order to become competitive in their professional environment they need to work hard. Different people have different reasons for undertaking in the activities that they undertake in.
A personal example is the reason as to why I am in school now. I am in school to boost my professional life by learning as much as I can about my profession so that I can become a good leader and full of knowledge and not because anticipate external gifts when am through with my studies. The fact that I have a purpose in being a student has developed me as an individual and as a leader and I have been motivated to learn a lot and as much as possible from my studies as compared to if I was just a student without a defined purpose. Purpose is therefore a major factor and plays an important role in human motivation.
Mastery On Motivation and My Personal Life Experiences
The other category of aspects that are involved in human motivation is mastery. Mastery is the art of having comprehensive skills and knowledge about the activities that we involve ourselves with. The major reason why people quit the activities such as jobs and line of profession is the lack of enough knowledge and skills in these careers or professions. When an individual or a person does not have sufficient knowledge and skills needed for the activities that he or she is required to engage himself or herself then the likely outcome is that these people or individuals will quit these careers or professions.
A good example is a case of a doctor who can operate machines or equipment and constantly messes up and has to seek for assistance from other doctors or nurses. If this situation persists, this doctor is likely to be discouraged in his career and maybe quit the professionshould the situation gets to extremes. Having sufficient and relevant knowledge and skills in an activity that an individual engages himself or herself in therefore generally motivates. Sufficient knowledge and skills also reduce the likelihood of occurrences actions such as quitting.
Also, a person with the sufficient knowledge and skills and who perfectly understands his or her career or profession is in most cases satisfied with his or her work. As a result, this person will in most cases tend to love what he or she is doing and is not likely to quit the career or profession. An example in my personal life was way back when I was in my high school. I used to score highly in mathematics and this really motivated me to even work harder on the subject because I always wanted the satisfaction of getting good grades in the subject. This was also tied to other factors such that the teachers congratulated and the students looked up to me when it came to issues regarding assignments and group works. This generally made me feel good about myself and made me work harder
Autonomy On Motivation and My Personal Life Experiences
The final category of aspects that boosts human motivation and that is internally driven in each and every individual is the autonomy aspects. Autonomy motivation aspects are the human motivation aspects that result from the right or condition of self-government and from the freedom of independence and away from external forces or influence. This is especially seen in the motivation of employees of a company who work under other people who are the management and are people who they consider as their bosses. Most of these employees work under managers who from time to time instruct them on the things to do. The managers also go through the work that these employees have done to check for mistakes or dissatisfaction.
This generally creates some kind of a working environment with external control and this demotivates the employees. According to Daniel Pink’s book, external control makes individuals to feel bothered, less skilled, and incompetent and this in most cases lowers the morale of these people who are under such external forces. This generally lowers the motivation of such people in the jobs that they do and in most cases end up not doing these jobs to the best of their ability. According to the book, most people who work under control of other people feel like they are undermined and therefore are not motivated due to lack of autonomy.
On the other hand if the art of autonomy is exercised on individuals and they are given the freedom to work independently and without interference of external forces, most of these people do a lot of good work. This is because they know that their employers trust the work that they do and this generally boosts their confidence. A personal example in this situation is a high school experience in which at one point I was to read a particular subject under strict supervision while in school and at another point I was to choose to read whatever subjected I wanted and for whatever period of time that I felt like.
In the first case, I did not read much and all I kept doing was checking my watch, flipping pages and wondering when the ‘hostage’ situation would end. On the other hand,I was left at home during the weekend to read alone. I did much more during this weekend and in a shorter time period as compared to the moment in school when I was forced to read. From this personal life experience I support the teaching from the book that, people tend to be more motivated when they are left to do things on their own and with as little as possible external interference. The external interference should be carried out only if they are absolutely necessary.
The Book On My Development As An Individual And As A Leader
The book has really helped me with issues and challenges that I have faced as an individual.The first lesson that I learnt from the book is that human motivation is not necessarily initiated by external factors such as money and gifts for hard work. As a result as a leader, I have resolved on not giving people gifts to motivate them.Instead I have created a platform in which people can get motivated from within themselves.
As an individual and a leader, I have also learnt that external factors may be a way to increase competition or hard work but it is not the best way to get the best of results from a person. This is especially if results are required from a person in both the short-term and long-term periods. I have in many occasions therefore resolved to the use of external gifts to where I do not expect efficiency from people. As a leader, I have also used this method where the work is just short time. Certain jobs do not require people to give the best of their abilities. Instead what is considered as important is getting the work done. This is specifically very evident in hard labor jobs and delivery jobs.
Again as a leader and an individual I have managed to understand the type of motivation to apply to which type of people. This is because different methods of human motivation work for different groups people.The types of motivation depend on a number of factors such as time frame, age and environment. Kids for instance may be motivated by the use of external factors such as gifts while grown ups on the other hand are believed to be smarter and harder to be convinced using gifts a motivational approach. Therefore as a leader and as an individual, I have resolved on motivating kids with external factors such as presents and gifts. On the other hand, in the case of grown ups, I let the motivation come from within them. In order to achieve this, I create an environment that has the least interference in their activities and that makes trusted and appreciated.
Finally, as an individual and as a leader, the book has helped me to understand that human motivation is an essential factor that needs to be put into consideration by any individual or organization that aims to be successful. The book has made me understand that it is very difficult for an individual or employees in an organization to work to the best of their abilities without them having something that motivates them. On the other hand, a company or an individual that does not work to its full potential is less likely to achieve the high levels of success. Therefore, as an individual and a leader I have employed the various aspect of human motivation whenever I aim to achieve my personal goals and objectives or the objectives and goals of an organization.
The book has a lot to share about human motivation and has assisted a number of professionals to boost their personal motivation and the human motivation of the employees in their organizations. The book teaches a lot on the elements of human motivation and how these elements cam be applied in our day-to-day activities whether at home, at work or at school in order to boost our human motivation and the motivation of other people. The book has also influenced a number of its readers including me and has helped me together with the other readers to work to the best of our abilities, which consequentially led to success of our activities in the various different fields. This book can therefore be generally concluded to be an important tool of learning about human motivation. Individuals that face motivational challenges in their personal activities or in their organization can read it for a better understanding of how motivation works to different people and in the difference in ages.
Hugh Wagner. 2014. The Psychobiology of Human Motivation.
Stacey L. Chalmers and Manfred DeMartino. 1958. Understanding Human Motivation.
G. D’ydewalle and Willy Lens. 2013. Cognition in Human Motivation and Learning.
The Renaissance was a period after the rebirth that occurred in most states in Europe. During this period, there were many changes experienced in the nations affected. Initially, these changes were experienced in Italian city of Florence. Afterwards, these changes began being pervasive in areas surrounding the city. Changes in these cities made them a center of attraction of different architects, writers, philosophers and as well painters since they considered the city as the Renaissance culture. During this period, cities were self-governed and as well independent. Jean Bodin wrote the book ‘The book, Method for the Easy Comprehension of History’ on 1566. Through his work, Jean Bodin develops his conception of universal, historical knowledge. He describes a historical and juridical knowledge that enables in proper management of different states. His book describes the different measures that can be used while developing laws used in a state. He derived his information used in the book, through reviewing of all available materials in the form of history, travel-books both ancient and modern. His work emphasizes on comprehension of history. He establishes an experience shown as the best and most enduring form of law used on a state. The paper is a narrative comparing Renaissance government with the current form of government as seen in Jean Bodin’s The Method for the Easy Comprehension of History.
In his book, he describes a method of establishing laws of governing different states. During the Renaissance period, establishing laws were done through making comparisons of different states and combination of the best models. In his book, he describes how Roman laws were made. I believe that his description, as made in his book, leaders in the Renaissance period used Plato’s method of establishing laws. That is collecting and comparing laws used by individual states and determining the best laws applicable for the state. In contrast, laws are being made by a supreme body without consideration of laws governing the individual states. As in his writing, I believe that this difference is a comparison of the types of government during the Renaissance period and the current government. Law making is one factor that defines the form of government used in a state.
In his book, he describes a state as a group of different states having a common law. That is people living around each other, where they obey one command. Through his example, he states that family is an example of a state. That is, a family cannot come into existence with efforts of a single man. In his comparison, he states that a state cannot develop in a single family and as well a single union of people. However, he states that when as a family, if a state is not governed by a common law, where despite the geographical separation between people, they unite and obey the law, the state can stand together. He places his argument in a contrast where he states that common law used to govern different states should be different from domestic laws governing the individual states. He concludes his argument on a government of a state where he describes that a state is a group of state controlled by a common rule despite their geographical separation. His argument of a state is similar to the current government of states characterized by a common rule.
A government has authority over citizens. In his argument, he describes a citizen as an individual who enjoys liberty and protection of authority. That is despite living in different areas and cities; citizens are subject to government’s protection equally. He describes that citizens are people living together under same officials and authority despite the lack of a general system. Unlike in the current governments, in the Renaissance period, colonies were at higher levels than municipalities. This implies that citizens inhabiting the colonies enjoyed more privileges than those living in the municipalities. Voluntary repudiation, made by Tiberius, led to the use of different laws Roman where they preferred their laws over laws governing Romans. This implies that during this period, as Jean states in his book, despite citizens living in colonies and municipalities living in the same state, they did not enjoy similar rights. He states that if all citizens were to enjoy similar rights, none of those living in Rome would be considered as Roman citizens other than those born freeman at Rome. This is a difference that lies between the Renaissance governments and the current governments used on states. Current government believes that, despite the geographical separation existing between different citizens, they should enjoy similar rights without discrimination.
Acquiring citizenship during the Renaissance period was quite easy. As he states in his work, Jean believes that Romanian government and as well other governments during the Renaissance period allowed people, who have renounced their citizenship, could acquire citizenship of another state without crime. This is in contrast with the currents governments that do not allow for duo-citizenship. In current governments, running out of a country illegally has its consequences. He states that in English governments before a foreigner acquires citizenship of another state, he has an obligation of informing his intentions to the government officials.
During the Renaissance period, it was likely that states could be held together in friendship, association, and covenant and as well treaties. In his work, he describes that this association between cities is applicable in different cities when great princes and kings form alliances with each other and support each other with mutual aid and protection against all corners without exception. This is similar to current governments where different states join to form unions and as well associations aiming at promoting trade and securing laws and rights of citizens. []He describes that these associations in states during the Renaissance period were established after all the states involved bound themselves to the set rules governing the treaties and associations made. Similarly, in current governments, treaty signing is done after all the nations involved bind to the set rules.
During the Renaissance period, a magistrate was an individual with the power, jurisdiction and deliberative capacity over others. In his argument, Jean believes that this definition of a magistrate is absurd. He describes a magistrate as an individual with public authority. In addition, he describes that many magistrates do not have the rights of summons. On the other hand, during this period, magistrates enjoyed different rights. Some magistrates had rights of exacting fines to criminals, flogging criminals and as well conducting trials to the criminals. Authoritative functions of magistrates ranged from the power of the sword to the power of arrest. In his argument, he states that the range of roles played by magistrates constitutes to upper and lower limits of jurisdiction. He describes that a judge is different from a magistrate. Judges and magistrate deputies play roles of decreeing and judging. On the other hand, he states that magistrates have the role of commanding and executing. That is they have power over judges. His description of a magistrate is in line with the roles played by magistrates in the current governments. That is both in the Renaissance government and current government, magistrates have both power and authority of jurisdiction.
Methods of dealing with cases adopted during the Renaissance period are similar to the methods used by current governments. []Since social cases are infinite in number, they cannot be left entirely to the law. In his work, Jean states that social cases encountered during the Renaissance period were left to the urban praetors so that during their settling, they would judge or even appoint judges to deal with these cases. Similarly, social cases are dealt with by judges and deputies to magistrates. In both governments, magistrates have the role of dealing with cases beyond judges and their deputies. That is cases defined in the law.
In his argument, Jean demonstrates that approval of magistrates is a role that cannot be left to the public alone. Since the magistrates have authority in jurisdiction, I believe that, as Jean states in his work, it is a role left for the head of state. Prince of Rome was responsible for authorizing magistrates. This is similar to the current governments where the head of a state is responsible for authorizing the magistrates.
Government during the Renaissance period and current governments has many similarities and as well differences. This is as seen in Jaen’s book. I believe that a comparison of the two governments clearly shows the different similarities that lie between these two governments.
Ackerman, Bruce. The New Separation of Powers. Harvard Law Review , Vol. 113, No. 3 (Jan., 2000), pp. 633-729. Published by: The Harvard Law Review Association.
Bodin, Jean. Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem, Parisiis, apud Martinum Juvenem, 1566. Text and French trans. in [Me] 104–269; English translation in [Re].
Chojnacki, Stanley. Political Adulthood in Fifteenth-Century Venice. The American Historical Review. Vol. 91, No. 4. (October 1986). pp.791-810. Published by: Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Historical Association.
Chong, Alan. "Small state soft power strategies: virtual enlargement in the cases of the Vatican City State and Singapore."Cambridge Review Of International Affairs 23, no. 3 (September 2010): 383-405. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost
Cooper, Donal. (2013), Redefining the Altarpiece in Early Renaissance Italy: Giotto's Stigmatization of Saint Francis and its Pisan Context. Art History, 36: 686–713. doi: 10.1111/1467-8365.12030
Dunning, WIlliam. Jean Bodin on Soveriegnty. Political Science Quarterly. Vol. 11, No. 1 (March 1896). pp. 82-104. Published by: The Academy of Political Science. Hoppenbrouwers, Peter. "An Italian city-state geared for war: urban knights and the cavallata of Todi." Journal Of Medieval History39, no. 2 (June 2013): 240-253. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed December 4, 2013).
Lachmann, Richard. Elite Conflict and State Formation in 16th- and 17th-Century England and France.American Sociological Review , Vol. 54, No. 2 (Apr., 1989), pp. 141-162. Published by: American Sociological Association.
McLauchlin, Theodore. 2009. "Early Modern Perspectives on De Facto States." Conference Papers -- International Studies Association 1-39. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost
Meijer, Albert, Frank Bannister, and Giuseppe Alfano. 2011. "Adapting bureaucracy to the Internet. The case of Venice Local Government." Information Polity: The International Journal Of Government & Democracy In The Information Age 16, no. 1: 5-22.Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost
Paraschiv, Elena. 2012. "LAW AND GOVERNMENT IN MEDIEVAL EUROPE." Contemporary Readings In Law & Social Justice 3, no. 2: 242-247. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost
Rowan, Steven. 1988. "Origins of Legislative Sovereignty and the Legislative State (Book Review)." American Historical Review 93, no. 4: 1039. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost
Shaw, Christine. Popular Government and Oligarchy in Renaissance Italy. Renaissance Quarterly .Volume 60, Number 4, Winter 2007.
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