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I am from Germany. I have a bachelor degree in English language with an Education minor from the University. As clearly indicated, I have the ability to succeed in an advanced program in British and American language and literature. I have a 3.0 GPA in undergraduate major. I have also done many computer courses. Attached, you will find my official transcripts from the university. I have had a lot of interest in literature since joining university has taught English language at high school level from 1997 to 1998."During this time", I learnt a lot as I impacted a lot of interest in the students.
This not only increased my interest in literature but also helped me to sharpen my skills in English language." From 1999-2005", I worked as public Information assistant at University and also worked as translator and interpreter at the University, from 2010 to date. All this prepared me adequately for literature as well as increasing my Interest: Working as an interpreter enhanced my skills in literature and made me learn more. I have also undertaken many self-improvement courses.
First, I have undertaken a certificate of training in the picture exchange language, pyramid (educational 2011 consultant).This training particularly was very helpful in enhancing my picture exchange language skills, and it was very successful. Secondly, I did translating and publishing short stories in Jeddah literary and cultural club periodical. This was very helpful not withstanding the pressure that came with it. Translating and publishing is very hectic, but it helped me to gain more experience and to sharpen my literature skills.
Another self-improvement course that I undertook was, translating 15 short stories for female writers from different cultures, which are revised, now to be published by Makkah literary and cultural club. This was a daunting task which involved sharpening my literature skills. Literature is very wide especially if it involves different cultures, since it entails learning different words and new vocabulary. After the completion of this task, I learnt a lot, and I believe this prepared me more for future research in literature.
My immediate goals in applying to DePaul’s M.A in English program are that, I want to enhance more of translation and interpreter programs. With this program, more and more literature will be enhanced. Translations, especially across different cultures, explore more opportunities and more language skills in literature. My main goals include inculcating a culture of translations in literature, enhancing training in picture exchange language.This,I believe will go a long way towards improving literature and introducing a new twist to it have interests in reading as depicted in my last self improvement course which included translating 15 short stories. I read novels and publications which have a twist of literature. I also love painting and working with pictures and painting.
The fact that my country of birth has been marred by various incidences of human right activities most of which touch on the journalism profession makes me want to look into a human right related area of interest in my PhD. I was born in Nepal at the height of various human rights violations that affected the mainstream media. In that time the journalism was less complicated in that, the main way of reporting was by use of print media. I studied English at the Tribhuvan University whereby I was among the best performing students of the time. I commenced my study in journalism at the Purbanchal University.
In my study at the university, I was awarded various grants for the outstanding academic performance that I displayed. In the course of my study of journalism, I practiced journalism in the field at the Bimarsh Weekly where I held the position of a desk editor on the political and international matters. The experience that I garnered was instrumental in the development of the field of journalism from both the practical and the theoretical bases.
The fact that I had an impeccable performance in my academics made me be sought after by many institutions that wanted to accommodate me in their departments. However, I settled for a job position in the National Human Rights Commission of Nepal. The experience garnered at the human rights commission played a crucial part in the development of a broad knowledge base on the human right and ethics issues as far as the journalism field was concerned. As part of my work, related responsibilities, I trained and sensitized journalists on matters of ethics in journalism, freedom of the press, right of information’s as well as matters relating to privacy.
The issues of privacy of the volunteers of information and the right of information interested me in that the attainment of either of the two led to a dichotomy of sorts. One of the aspects had to suffer in order for the attainment of the other to prevail. The issue was easily resolved in the conventional media since the dexterity of access of archived information was hard hence; the issues of privacy were taken care of. The advent of digital media has led to the rewriting of the rules relating to privacy of published information since anyone on the worldwide web can access any information. The lack of clear and concise policies on the unpublishing of information archived in the media makes attainment of the right to privacy of the volunteers hard or in some instance hard.
The paper will focus on unpublishing of digital information. The paper will draw from my experience of writing on the human rights in Nepal. In as much as the main people affected by the difficulty of the unpublished information are the volunteers of the information the paper will also factor in the views of the media players. This approach will guarantee a multifaceted approach to the issue that will also be holistic.
Research objectives
Issue introduction
Unpublishing of information is the removal of information that is archived in any form by the media houses. There are different circumstances that necessitated unpublishing. The information affects the rights of the contributors of the information is the main reason behind the unpublishing of the information. This practice affects the archived information only in that the archived information is permanently accessible to all the people that may seek it. In the conventional application, the access of printed material is hard since it involves menial work. However, the case is different in the case of digital information. This information is accessible to most of the people by a simple click of the button.
The journalism conventions push for the storage of information in a permanent form in order to guarantee the consumers of the information an undisputed right to the same. The members of the public have made various appeals to the digital media players on the unpublishing of the information that touches on their personal life. Some of the reason behind their appeals includes the misrepresentation that they get from continued access of information.
Various people have petitioned Google to remove the information from the public domain. However, Google is unable to guarantee the complete eradication of the information from the media since the individual websites have to delete the information (Moskwa, 2009). The websites are reluctant in doing so leading to a situation where the outdated and defamatory information is still accessible to all the members of the public. The issue is propounded by the lack of proper regulations that touch on the unpublishing of information printed in the digital media. The double standards applied in the unpublishing of information are also significant hindrances to the attainment of unpublishing of controversial information and by extension the reduction of the breach of personal privacy rights of the contributors of the information.
The continued access of private information by any member of the public has bred concerns of a new caricature. One of these issues is the digital surveillance of the members of the public by use of the information that is in the public domain. The government and the corporates players are equally guilty of the practice. The government applies this technique on all the people in order to deter crime and identify any threats to the peace and stability of the nation. The corporate sector applies the surveillance on the people in order to ensure that the employees that come into their institutions have acceptable backgrounds that are consistent with the values of the organization (European Comission, 2012). The novel motivations behind the practice are not good enough to warrant the breach of the personal space of the people. When it comes to privacy of the people, the ends cannot justify the application of any means.
The continued application of this approach leads to the formation of new issues of that will lead to the development of difficulties to the future journalists. The most likely issue is the self-censorship. This is an instance where a potential contributor of information will abstain from volunteering out of the fear that the information will come and haunt him in the future. The other issue that can face the people is the impediment of the smooth growth of digital media. The adverse effects of the information will lead to the reduction of the trust of the people in the media, and they are likely to avoid using it.
Lack of contributors to the digital media will also mean that people also do not have access to any current information. The consumers of information found in the digital media will end up using relying of the safe, mainstream media. Another outcome that may result out of the desperation of the contributors is the hacking of the sites that have the media. That hacking will be a last resort and a desperate one for the people that cannot find another way of dealing with the menace of unpublishing of archived information. Either of the turn of events is degrading and unwarranted. Effective development of rules that control the unpublishing of the information will be the solution to this matter. Rapid formulation and enactment of the rules will help in restoring the trust of the people in the digital media as well as guaranteeing the sanctity of the right to privacy (English et al, 2010).
Potential methods
This research will be made of the primary methods of data collection since the information on the adverse effects of the lack of unpublishing laws will be vividly seen in the event that the research provides fresh and updated information. The main approach that will be applied is interviewing of the people that have interests in the information. This is crucial in avoiding reliance on one of the elements the research will apply the method of triangulation of data. The data that the research will apply is the qualitative data. This is because the use of the qualitative date is the surest way of researching on the information that affects the human experience. This approach gives the researchers the window that they can use to look into the experiences and perceptions that people have on the same (English, 2009). This approach will help in revealing the intricacies that are inherent in the situation.
The other approach that the research will employ is the grounded theory. This is a systematic methodology applied in the social sciences. This approach is relevant in this case, in that it allows that researcher to start working on the data availed from the various data collection activities. The method inoculated the research from the various misperceptions or correct assumptions that a person may be having. By applying this method, the objectivity, of the research is maintained (Egan, 2002). The use of the interview in collecting data on the subject of the research is significant. This is because the interviewees will be able to organize their feelings and experiences from the failure of the unpublishing of the digital information. The use of this approach will guarantee the reflection of the real life experiences of the people.
The adaptation of the grounded theory will assume the application of the semi-structured interview involving three groups of people (Glaser & Strauss, 1967). The use of the three groups will be instrumental in the application of triangulation of the data collected. The selection of the people that fall into groups of people under the research will include the application of purposive planning. This will be beneficial in the development of in-depth knowledge arising from the investigation. The first group of people that will be interviewed is the journalists. The paper will investigate ten journalists working in the online media in Canada.
The selection of the journalists will also apply purposive sampling (Deacon et al, 2007). A similar approach will be in the application when selecting ten members of the public that will be able to identify themselves positively as victims of online archiving. The research will continue interviewing people until when the research does not lead to the development of new findings (CAJ, 2010). This is consistent with the practice of ground theory that calls for the conduction of interviews until when there are no new findings. The third group of people that will be interviews is the various online media. The monitoring will be conducted by the use of the Meltwater monitoring software.
Practical application
The application of the study would be significant and relevant to most of the people in the media. The significance of the study are immense. One of such significance is the ability of the interested parties to have access to the recent challenges that the Canadian journalists and the media players face in the common day. These are the challenges that face the government because of the public availability of the digital information. The information is also relevant to the social media outlets such as the Facebook and YouTube. The wide use of the outlets has been a source of problems of an own kind.
The dexterity of the problems facing the government means that the attainment of the real policies of journalism is hard (CAJ, 2011). The outlets of the understanding that there is a need to apply unpublishing policies in their operations. The two are exceptions of the entire digital media fraternity in that most of the traditionally oriented media houses lean towards the preservation of all the information despite its effect on the contributors. This study will be able to reduce the ethical issues that face the journalists. This study will be significant in the identification of the way forward when upholding of the contributors sanctity and the general journalistic principles are contesting against each other.
Rationalization of the choice of SFU
The interest that I have in the SFU comes from the suitability of the university. The areas that I will be researching on and the doctoral courses offered in the university are available at the SFU. The training that I will receive in the university and the research experience will be instrumental in the development of a knowledge base that will help me work in the human rights commission at guaranteeing the rights of all the people (Berg, 2001). The expertise that I will have around me will be immense in that the professors in the university have been able to garner a lot of experience on the field that makes them the ideal supervisors for my research. The interests of the professors are also in agreement with my interests.
The other aspect that has drawn me to the university is the availability of adequate research facilities at the university (AFP, 2013). For instance, the Center for Policy Research on Science and Technology at the university brings both scholars and the practitioners together. The interaction between the two groups of professional helps in forming a variety of understanding on the issue of digital archiving and other important aspects touching on the rights of the contributors of information and the right to information as a principle of journalism. The professors at the university will be irreplaceable in the research project. The potential professors include Prof. Robert A. Hackett, Prof. Yuezhi Zhao, Prof. Frederik Lesage, and Prof. Gary McCarron. I reiterate that my working and academic background makes me the suitable for admission into the doctoral studies.
Agence France-Presse, AFP. (2013, November 23). Internet founder warns growing surveillance "threatens democracy". The Express Tribune. Retrieved November 26, 2013, from http://tribune.com.pk/story/635907/internet-founder-warns-growing-survei...
Berg, B.L. (2001). Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences (4th ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Canadian Association of Journalists, CAJ. (2011). Ethical guidelines. Retrieved November 28, 2013, from http://www.caj.ca/?p=1776
Canadian Association of Journalists, CAJ. (2010). Ethics of unpublishing papers. Retrieved November 28, 2013, from http://www.caj.ca/?p=1135
Deacon, D., Pickering, M., Golding, P., & Murdock, G. (2007). Researching communications: A practical guide to methods in media and cultural analysis. London: Hodder Arnold.
Egan, T. M. (2002). Grounded theory research and theory building. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 4(3). 277-295.
English, K. (2009). The long tail of news: To publish or not to publish. APME Online Journalism Credibility Project, 2009.
English, K., Currie, T., & Link, R. (2010, October 27). The ethics of unpublishing: A panel report. Canadian Association of Journalists, Ethics Advisory Committee.
European Commission. (2012). Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Glaser, B. G. & Strauss, A. L. (1967). The Discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for qualitative research. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company.
Moskwa, S. (2009, October 15). Managing your reputation through your search results. Google Webmaster Central Blog.
The completion of my Masters in Education has been a tremendous journey, which has not been simple. After the completion of my Bachelor’s Degree, I always wanted to advance my education level and get a Master’s degree. The achievement of my Masters in Education has led to a major academic growth. At the Master’s level, education was much tougher than it was at the Bachelor’s level. However, my hard work, determination and long hours spend studying and doing school projects finally paid off after receiving my Master’s degree. To ensure that I did not fail in my mission of achieving a Master’s in Education, I had set some short-term and long-term goals. The short goal plans included attending all classes, making sure I do my assignments on time and go through them to avoid simple grammatical mistakes. To ensure that I understood what was being taught, I asked questions whenever I had doubts or did not understand.
My long term goal was to ensure that I do enough research on my project to make sure that I finish the project on time. The good research that I did on my project earned me good marks that favored the completion of my Master’s program. However, were it not for the help that my lecturers offered me and the cooperation with other students, I would not have earned a degree. The lecturers were very helpful to ensure whenever I asked a question; it was answered to my understanding and that of other students. The lecturers provided assistance anytime I needed it even if it was after class hours. I cannot fail to thank God and His provision of good health and understanding, which greatly helped me achieve my Masters in Education.
To be a good critical thinking, you must be open minded
Critical thinking helps one to be analytical and rational. One of the reasons why we attend school is to learn the skills that we can apply in our day-to-day life. In class, most of the lessons we get are in theory (Lau, 2011). However, we need to apply critical thinking skills to interpret these lessons and be able to apply them in life. Critical thinking is the process of actively conceptualizing, analyzing and applying information gathered through the various avenues. Critical thinking is based on intellectual values. Being a student, I need to have these values so as to be able to apply the lessons I learn in my daily life. Being a good critical thinker, I will be able to analyze situations and make decisions that are well thought and are not biased. As a critical thinker, I have to be open-minded and therefore, my judgments will not be biased. I should, therefore, avoid taking sides when analyzing a situation. Taking sides will cloud my thinking since I cannot be open-minded. In life, we face many challenges and many situations that will need our decisions for solutions. It will be easier to find these solutions through the application of critical thinking skills.
Knowing the credibility of the messenger and the message
A message can be true or false, it can be useful or not useful, it can be reliable or not reliable. There are factors that need to be considered in deciding whether to rely on a message or not. First, the source of the message should be credible. First, the credibility of the messenger can lead to distortion of the message. They can make the message to be perceived in a less optimal manner than it should be (Kouzes & Posner, 2011). Therefore, as a student, I will need to know the credibility of the messenger as this will guide me to know the reliability of the message I am likely to receive. The truth of the message lies on the perceived characteristics of the messenger. For instance, if a messenger is known to speak knowledgeably, there is a high likelihood that the message I get from him or she will be credible. Therefore, I will be finding out about the messenger for credibility.
The credibility of the message is also important since it will help me make informed decisions. The credibility of a message refers to the believability or the truthfulness of a message. In my everyday life, I will encounter many messages some of which are true and other that are false. In determining the trustworthiness of such messages, I will need to find out their credibility.
How social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) aren't credible
Social media are sites where people interact and have the freedom to post everything the like. There are no rules that govern what should be or what should not be posted. Therefore, there is every possibility that the messages posted on social media could not be trustworthy (Torrenzano & Davis, 2011). Not all messages posted on social media are untrustworthy. In fact, there are some very genuine and credible messages posted on the sites. However, it is not easy to determine the credibility of such messages. From the lessons I have learnt about this topic, I have understood that messages on social media are not controlled. The people who post them are not regulated, and there is a high possibility that they are not credible. They cannot be relied upon. People mostly use social media for fun. The messages people send for fun are not always credible. Therefore, I cannot trust the messages that are posted on social media.
Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2011). Credibility: How leaders gain and lose it, why people demand it. San Francisco, Calif: Jossey-Bass.
Lau, J. Y. F. (2011). An introduction to critical thinking and creativity: Think more, think better. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.
Torrenzano, R., & Davis, M. W. (2011). Digital assassination: Protecting your reputation, brand, or business against online attacks. New York: St. Martin's Press.
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