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In this age of information technology, promotion remains as the only aspect in the marketing mix that is easily manipulated. This is mainly because of the fact that the era that we are in is the information management era. The company that has the ability to communicate has a head start at success (Wilson & Temple, 2004). The purpose of this study is to compare and contrast the promotion strategies applied by coca cola enterprises and Pepsi Co. The soft drink market is increasingly improving over the time with small start-up companies mushrooming in all the areas. Coca cola enterprises and Pepsi Co are the major player in the industry who are also one of the fierce competitors.
Pepsi Co
Pepsi Co sells its products in near 200 countries and regions. The sales revenue generated by the company is close to USD 92 billion. Some of the brands under the company are more than 100 years. The company was formed in 1965 through a merger between Pepsi Co and Frito-Lay. It has since acquired other companies that have enabled them attain a rapid growth all over the time. Pepsi Co and Coca-Cola have been engrossed in competition since the onset of the companies leading to the creation of sophisticated promotion strategies aimed at attracting the attention of most of the soft drink consumers (Wilson & Temple, 2004).
Coca cola Company
The foundations of the Coca-Cola Enterprises started over a century ago in a humble start. Over the time, the company has been able to promote itself as an integral part of the American dream. Most of the promotions still carry this message. However, significant evolution have been made on the promotion strategies to mirror the changing market needs. Therefore, the main Coca-Cola marketing strategy has been selling on the premise of the American dream. The second promotion strategy that the company has used is the sports. Most of the drinks have been associated with major sports with Fanta being associated with surfing and common street fun activities such as skating. Sprite has been associated with the basketball games. Coca cola is associated with a perfect food accompaniment. The drink is also associated with the perfect hangout activity whereby it is a representation of fun. This promotion strategies have been selling for the company since it has been able to maintain its market dominance.
Pepsi Co also has unique promotion strategies that have some resemblance to the ones used by Coca Cola Company. The company has also sought to promote its products as the perfect accompaniments for various foods. The various product lines in the company are promoted separately just as it is the case with coca cola. Most of these products have ended up appealing to the people such that the company has been able to maintain the second position in the market. The other source of business competence for the company has been the ability of the company to sell unique product offerings. This means that the company has attained a major market share due to its ability to promote the products solely on their unique nature. This is a contradictory approach to the one used by coca cola which seeks to sell the products based on an assumption that something is cool. Pepsi Co focus on the unique nature of the products has been a viable way of competing against coca cola since it does not offer substitutes in the same category but different and unique products (Wilson & Temple, 2004).
Wilson, T., & Temple, N. (2004). Beverages in nutrition and health (1st ed.). Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press.
Pepsi cola digital version of the annual report has many visual cues that are specifically targeted to maintain the attention of the reader. The initial visual cue that a visitor encounters when he visits the site is the use of mixed fruits to write the word Pepsi cola. Tags leading to various sections of the report are also written in various colours. As a result, the reader tends to know when moving from one section to the other of the repo (Bogg, 2012) rt.
Coca cola annual report for 2013 is not as colourful since the dominant colour is the official company’s colour. However, the layout design for the site where the annual report is contained is different and captivating. Headings in Coca-Cola report are written in red. Reading Pepsi cola report is more captivating than reading Coca-Cola annual report.
Reports from the CEOs of both companies focus on the achievements that the companies have attained in the particular year. The CEO of Pepsi looks at the individual brands and what they have been able to contribute to the overall earnings of the company. There is also a focus on the contributions made by the products from the sales in other parts of the world. However, the Coca-Cola report does not look at the contributions made by the company in the individual international market.
This could be attributed to the size of the company. There are specific sections in the report that focus on the performance of the international subsidiaries. Both reports look at the performance of the company based on the various investments made by the companies. Therefore, the reader is able to follow the source of the increased performance of the organization.
Pepsi cola did a substantial job when it came to the presentation of the information that could otherwise sly be referred to as number heavy. The online version of Pepsi’s annual report is full of animated sections that indicate the real-time growth of the earnings made by the company. This leads to easy comparison of the data produced in the various periods (Bogg, 2012). There are also representations of condensed data in the form of summary reports.
Coca-Cola uses the same approach to condense data heavy information. Number heavy information is also represented in reports that are divided by sectors and markets. Some sections of the report use prose as summary to ensure that the numbers are better understood. However, in addition to the prose, there are some instances when the companies use conventional graphs and tables to cater for the readers that would like to follow the number trail and validate the summaries presented in prose.
The writing approaches used in both reports is both professional and easy to understand. For the case of Pepsi, the CEO’s letter is written in short sentences that are both complete and easily understood. This is also the case with Coca-Cola Company. The paragraph formation is also done with the purpose of increasing readability among the members. Short paragraphs are applied in both reports leading to clear message delivery. Both reports make conscious efforts to reduce the instances where they use jargon to the minimal such that the information is appealing to all the people. Jargon reduction is an approach used to increase readability of the reports (Bogg, 2012).
In both annual reports, the message is how well the companies performed. In order to deliver this, the sections on leadership are full of how well the company has performed under the leadership. As a result, there is the creation of the notion that the information contained therein is a representation of the correct status of the company. However, the reality of the matter is that there are some instances when the performance of the company was not as good as the management would love to make the reader believe.
This technique is called spinning whereby one majors on the positive aspects of an encounter while downplaying the instances of failure. In both reports, there is a tendency of avoiding issues that plagued the companies unless the encounter is a matter of public information. Even when talking about the failures that are well known in the public domain, the report writers tend to downplay the negative information. There is also a tendency of lumping up the negative information in a single sentence that is not self-explanatory (Reid, 2012). Space given for reports on the negative performance of the organization is meager compared to the space allocated to reports on the positive aspects of the company.
Both reports are well understood by an average reader since they have been organized in sections with subsections included when necessary. Pepsi cola report is more convincing since in each section where there is a prose explanation of the performance, there is numerical data to support the assertions. The colorful display and the use of the first person in the annual reports make them interesting. However, the visual cues employed in the Pepsi cola report make it more interesting than Coca-Cola report.
Bogg, D. (2012). Report Writing. 1st ed. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education.
Reid, M. (2012). Report writing. 1st ed. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
The Soft drink industry has been growing at a tremendous rate and it is one of the most competitive industries in the food and beverage world. There are high profits in the industry and consequently there is a need to ensure that there is introduction of a firm to try and tap this vast market. The soft drink industry is facing a lot of challenges as a result of the economy changes and also because of a change in the consumer's patterns because of increased health consciousness. Therefore, there is a need to create a drink that will be healthy and will be accepted by consumers. Marketing will be the most important tool when it comes to the industry and will be used by Lista to generate demand and build consumer loyalty. Marketing will target specific consumers and certain age group. These specific consumer group will then be exposed to the brand increasing the likelihood of consumers identifying with the brand and hence increasing customer loyalty. Specific product marketing will generate demand as the consumers will be more aware of a Lista -a drink that suits their health needs and still refreshes. The soft drink industry has undergone different changes because of advertizing, the introduction of new types of media as well as update marketing messages for the consumers that wish for more healthful alternatives. There are several growing areas of interest such as the African-American markets as well as Hispanic markets in the United States.
Executive Summary
The top three brands that exist in the soft drink industry have a 35% market share of the market in the year 2013. The industry is extremely competitive, however, this can be attributed to the high profits that are reaped in the industry. Being guaranteed a small market share of about 4% of the market share means that a company is making in excess of billions. The soft drink industry is one of the biggest food industries in the world and is expanding daily in each part of the world. Soft drinks are overtaking hot drinks as the biggest beverage sector in the world, and the consumption rate is rising by around 5 percent each year. The United States still remains the biggest market for soft drinks, however, Asia is likely to be the main driver of sales growth in a few years. It is in this Asian market that "Lista" will be launched. The product will have decreased calories as compared to other soft drinks that exists in the market and will be manufactured from pure juices with minimum artificial additives (Mitchell, 1990 p.73).
Organizational plan
The beverage industry is fiercely competitive, there are a lot of private labels that greatly influence the environment. There are a few giant global companies which produce many brands, however, these brands all fall into self-contained categories. Therefore, the beverage market cannot be described as one market. With this in mind, the creation of an effective organizational plan is imperative. The company will start by fiercely advertising the coming of a new product in the market in the different/ various types of media. It will sell it based on its natural and low calories selling points. It is in the backdrop of this fierce marketing that the product will be launched into the market. It will use three channels of distribution, the first will be straight from manufacturing to the consumers. This will be through the use vending machines and direct retailers appointed by the company. The second channel will be from the manufacturing plant to the wholesalers to the retailers and finally to the consumers.
It is of the essence to understand that the company intends to control the price of the Lista in order to ensure that it gets market receptiveness and grows fast (Kuratko, 2012 p.82). The company intends to do an extensive set of packaging options in order to fulfill customer satisfaction. The company intends to track the product into various package sizes such as 2L, 1L, 500ml, 300ml. Lista will have special labeling requirements for different customers, it will customize the soft drink depending on the age. There will also be international and domestic packaging in order to fulfill customer satisfaction in the different parts of the globe. In the packaging options, there will also be an option of tracing/recall capabilities. This will ensure that indeed the company understands which drink was not up to standard and which plant produced it. This will be done in order to effectively correct an error if it ever occurs.
Marketing Plan
Lista intends to be launched in the United States and Asia. The United States is the biggest consumer of soft drinks and therefore it would be fool-hardy to ignore it. On the other hand, Asia is the fastest growing market in terms of consumption of soft drinks and Lista wishes to capture this vast market (Porter, 2008 p.21). Therefore, the fierce marketing plan will be focused in Asia and the United States. Lista can be described as an innovative drink and has been able to achieve real differentiation as well as growth. Lista will be braded and it intends to get closer to the consumer with direct to consumer marketing styles.
The company intends to have a sales force that consists of 20-30% of the company's cost basis. This is because the company understands that in the beverage industry, the critical path to the company's success is the effectiveness of the sales force (Hill, 2012 p.16). Despite how good the company runs the manufacturing process, a beverage company cannot be able to succeed without an effective sales force which ensures that Lista is placed on the store shelves. The company intends to use properly managed commission programs in order to allow the company to effectively motivate the sales force to increase volume by brand. The company finally intends to maintain its first consumers by trade promotions. The competition for self-space has become higher and therefore, a trade promotion will be mandatory if Lista wants to be in the shelves of different supermarkets.
The target population for the drink is teenagers and young adults between 20-35 years. This comprises the majority of the population in America and Asia. Therefore, it would be of the essence to ensure that this target group is neatly tucked into the company's marketing strategy (Porter, 2008 p.45). The company intends to ensure that there are different promotions for these age groups in order to boost awareness of the soft drink and also show its potential health benefits. The soft drinks in the market that exist currently are not so health friendly and this is something that Lista wishes to exploit. An efficient new product development system is extremely crucial in the beverage industry (Hill, 2012 p. 38). In fact, Lista needs to be brought into the beverage market quickly in a bid to capitalize on the changing consumer preferences as well as competitive threats. Lista has a whole product development cycle which will definitely give it an edge in the market. This is because it will effectively reduce the time to market and also make effective use of the scarce internal resources as well as help improve collaboration with different and diverse partners. In addition, the company intends to ensure that it gives attention to the alignment of related market initiatives such as sales promotion, advertizing with the introduction Lista.
Financial Plan
In order for complete operations to start, the setting up of the plant, hiring of office, staff, and equipment there will be a need to raise a capital of five million dollars. This amount will be sufficient until the kick from the revenue start streaming in with a bid to supplement future production costs. There are various revenue enhancements that the company intends to undertake in order to increase revenue for further production and growth. The first is improved sales effectiveness through the use of consolidation of the customer-company relationship. This will be cultivated by strong marketing, telesales as well as effective trade promotions (Hill, 2012 p. 34). The second step will be to improve better up selling and cross-selling. Thirdly, the company intends to ensure increased customer retention by always maintaining quality and integrity of the product as well as ensuring constant advertizing to keep the product in the minds of the consumers. An expanded customer bases will also be reached by the company going to further lengths to ensure that the company grows in overseas territory. This is primarily the Asian market where Lista intends to penetrate. Lastly, the company intends to attain a financial and competitive advantage by enhancing the product to surpass those of current competitors in the industry.
In order to increase the margin, the company intends to take several financial steps. Firstly, the company intends to reduce costs for older processing, this process will save it a lot of money which gets wasted in processing of old files. An accelerated sales process as well as lower sales costs in comparison to field sales will also come in handy when it comes to margin improvement. Lastly, the company in a bid to increase the margin level intends to differentiate the product to different service levels (different quantities) in a bid to target customer relevance and need.
Supporting Documentation
Creation of complex commission structures are often needed in order to motivate the sales force in order to encourage them to push the brand and develop the Asian market. The company intends to have a complete commission based transaction and this means making payments to both the external or internal sales force and to further track these payments of the commissions over time. The company intends to manage and monitor an effective business route. This will be important in order to be able to effectively account for every item that will be delivered. Lista will be a branded name that will be a registered trademark not to be used anywhere without the consent of the company.
Hill, C. W. L., & Jones, G. R. (2012). Essentials of Strategic Management. Melbourne, Australia: South-Western/ Cengage Learning.
Kuratko, D. F., Goldsby, M. G., & Hornsby, J. S. (2012). Innovation Acceleration: Transforming Organizational Thinking. Boston: Pearson.
Mitchell, A. J. (1990). Formulation and Production of Carbonated Soft Drinks. Glasgow: Blackie.
Porter, M. E. (2008). On Competition. New York: SAGE.
Part I
I am at this moment writing to request an investment in capital resources to develop the Blue Berry product. I believe that this is the opportune time to invest capital in that the demand for the product in the market has been skyrocketing, and it is more likely that it will get a positive reception. The product is of high quality and even if the market does not appreciate it at once, with proper advertising and superior marketing strategies at our disposal, it will soon be the market leader. Therefore, with patience and enough capital investment on your side, I believe that the product will be launched in a successful manner.
This message will be sent an official letter. This is important because it will ensure that it is filed correctly, and the request has an official status.
Part II
Blue Berry design trousers come from a rich heritage of high tailoring and fashion. Blue Berry designs have been credited with talent over the years and have won numerous awards. The new Blue Berry trousers come with a different touch; they are trendy, comfortable and best of all inexpensive. There are for the men and women that want to stand out both professional and in casual circles. They are designed with the finest fabric, and every trouser has the touch of one of the best tailors in the world.
This message will be the verbiage for a commercial. This is because it explains the origins of the product and it is catchy to the audience. This will make it easier for the potential consumers to relate to the product (Peterson, 2014).
Peterson K., (2014) Promotion of products to potential consumers. Rutledge: New York.
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