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Evil is any act in the society considered unacceptable. It can be looked at as a conflict between people’s behavior with the expected conduct. In the religion aspect, evil is considered to lead to sin. It is the source of injustices in the society. Where it exceeds some levels, may contribute to murder as a result of greed of power and wealth. In many instances, evil generates from trusted characters that are influenced by external desires and end up accelerating it. This essay will discuss the various instances of evil as seen in the plays The Merchants of Venice and Macbeth.
Macbeth is shown as a supernatural evil person. In the play, he is used to represent the supernatural world. In his ambitions to lead, he is introduced as a heroic character even though this quality fades away once he gets the throne. His courageous nature is substituted by fear a he crops a new belief on the three witches.
In the play The Merchants of Venice, Shylock’s hatred to the Christian is a show of evil. Bassanio requests Antonio to borrow money from Shylock in order to pursue his love. The loan lent to Bassanio was three thousand ducats. This was really three times the amount of the bond. It is through this unjust nature of Shylock that we learn the evil in the Merchants of Venice’s society.
Shylock, who plays a role of lending money to other people, can be termed as an evil character. His high interests charging rate on money lent to other people, is a show of how evil he was. With the money lent to Bassanio, through Antonio, Shylock changes the bond and claims that he really needed a new bond. It is through this act and his statements that show his he hatred to Christians. Hatred to other people and his in human nature is a show of evil.
In the play, we are introduced to the mistreat that shylock had received from the Christians. In addition to the hatred that had grown from this mistreat, evil between the two religions cropped where each religion considered the other as inferior. This is another form of evil that was as a result of what Shylock had gone through under the arms of the Christians. Conflict between these two religions is a form of evil.
Another evil in the same play is evident in Shylock’s nature of wanting to revenge. The fact that shylock is not willing to forgive the Christian is a show of how he is evil. Shylock is shown as a character who considers Christians as inferior and their religion as a religion of evil people following what he went through while he was under them, is a show of how biased he is in terms of religion is concerned. Shylock tries through all means to revenge to Christians and he is able to achieve this when he imposes high interests to the money lent to Christians. His revenge to Christian is a show of evil
In the play Macbeth, Macbeth’s relation to evil is symbolic. As seen in the scene where Lady Macbeth even though she rejects her husband’s conscience, she was aware of the planned Duncan’s murder. Furthermore she was responsible for the murder as she pressed on Macbeth to commit this murder. We see that once this murder has been committed, guilt haunts her and she slowly leaves her husband to carry the whole responsibility of the committed murder. She avoids talking over this planned murder unequivocally and cannot even commit herself in it. This is as a result of fear as Duncan seemed to be like her father. This hypocrisy in Lady Macbeth is a show of evil in Macbeth’s rule.
The pervasive magic in Macbeth’s world portrays unnatural nature of Macbeth. Magic in his leadership emphasizes the mystery of human nature. The unnatural nature of witches influenced Macbeth’s political ambitions. His magic based leadership is a show of evil. The scene is a show of the effects of evil deeds among the people.
Lying, which is a form of evil in the society is evident in the play Macbeth. Macbeth is a character who is shown to be relying wholly on the witches where he believes everything that these witches predict to him. He lays his trust to these witches and the evil powers. The witches’ influences Macbeth’s life where he is forced to respond in ways along the predictions of the witches. It is through this that all his ruling becomes totally influenced by the witches. When Macbeth realizes that these predictions from the witches were not true, he denounces the witches and claims that their message could be mistaken with the truth. Macbeth utters negative statements against the witches claiming that the witches deform the lives of people as they disturb an important quality of the human personality.
Shakespeare uses imagery to represent evil in his play Macbeth. In the scene where storms, bad weather, lightning and thunder, evil is bound to be happen. This representation is clear where we are introduced to the witches; their evil nature and their supernatural activity are depicted through these natural happenings.
Blood, which is used widely in the play Macbeth, is used to represent guilty in the play. References on blood are made throughout the play where and lastly in the play we are showed Duncan being killed is a representation of evil. Evil, being linked with blood is done to all instances that we have several individuals being dying. In the same manner when Lady Macbeth commits suicide, evil is brought forward where she is overcame by her evil deeds and finally commits suicide.
Evil is evident in the scene where Lady Macbeth uses her feminine nature to appease the witches in order to help her kill Duncan. It is through this scene where we are shown her nature as seductive where she uses witches to unsex her. This is a show of evil in Lady Macbeth’s behavior. Her idea to unsex the witches clearly shows how evil she is.
The three witches are brought out in the play Macbeth as a symbol of evil in the society. Their prophecies are used in the play to confuse human ambitions as seen in Macbeth’s ambitions. In the play, Macbeth’s ambitions are altered with by these supernatural powers. From the incidence where these witches are introduced in the play we can conclude that evil prevailed in the society where
On the other hand, Macbeth’s failure to stand by what he believed is another show of evil. He is stuck in a dilemma of whether to murder Duncan or not. Influence from his wife Lady Macbeth shows the level of evilness in her. Through this manipulation, Macbeth does not accomplish his ambitions to the society. Even though he was masculine in nature and could easily fight other armies, the fact that he did not stand to his ambitions he had for the society is a clear show of his weakness. Lady Macbeth influence on Macbeth is a show of evil in the society as they were greedy of power where they opted to kill Duncan who was the king.
In the play The Merchants of Venice, evil is evident when Shylock claims that he is ready to give up three times the loan in exchange of Antonio’s flesh. This is a clear show of how he had great love for money other than care for his fellow people. His hatred towards Christians is a contributor towards his attitude towards the Christians. His lack of mercy towards the Christians is a show of evil in the play. These evil deeds as from Shylock are contributors as to Antonio’s helplessness situation at the end of the play
[ Roberts, Nora. Divine Evil. (New York: Bantam Books, 2004)pg 106].
We are told that for Shylock to fit in the society he had to change his character. It is through this that Portia insists to Shylock to change his behavior in order to fit in the society. Through Shylock’s adamant nature that he fails to listen to Portia’s advice and continues with his evil deeds. His unjust nature as shown in is hate to the Christians. We are introduced to him being a person who plots evil to destroy the hero and is shown as a person who have his behavior fueled by the evils of others to exhibit his evils.
Portia plans to make young German, the Duke of Saxony's nephew drunk in order for him to make the wrong choice. This is a show of her jealous nature towards other people and in the same way her greed for money is seen where she pressures Bassanio. Through her deeds we are introduced to other instances of evil in the society. The author has chosen her to show the level of greed for money among many women in the society. This is also a show of evil in the play The Merchant of Venice.
Inter-religion differences are also other evils in the play The Merchant of Venice. In the play, the two main characters, Antonio and Shylock are from two different religions. Antonio, who is a Christian, believes that his religion is better than that of Shylock. On the other hand Shylock, a Jew, believes that Christians are evil as to the mistreat he received from them. This inter-religion conflict is the main source of evil as hatred among these people has the base from this conflict
Evil is a source of injustices in the society. In the two plays, evil, brought out in the behavior of the main characters is evident to be the source of these injustices. In Macbeth, his greed for power leads him to committing other forms of evil. His greed contributes to the killing of Duncan. On the other hand, Lady Macbeth’s evilness on reliance on witches haunts her conscious and guilt of having known about the planned murder of Duncan leads her to committing suicide. Evil is brought out be a contributor towards the evil deeds done by the characters. It suppresses the human personality contributing to change in their behavior.
As a contribution of evil in the play, the heroic nature of Macbeth fades away. His ambitious plans he had to the society are never achieved as he turns out his trust on witches. They influence his actions as he tries to adjust his behavior as to their predictions. Through this act, evil is highlighted to have a role of hindering those in authority to offer what they are expected to. Macbeth was expected to lead the community in a heroic nature but his ambitions are negatively affected by the supernatural powers of witches.
In the other play, we are introduced to Shylock who is wealthy character. Shylock imposes high interest rates on Bassanio just because he was a Christian. This contributes to a high amount being paid back by Bassanio. Hatred is as a result of evil. Injustices committed by Shylock are as a result of hatred. In Shylock’s character, we learn the outcomes of evil in the society. His humanity is carried away by the hate he had to the Christians. As a result of this, conclusion can be drawn that evil contributes to injustices within the society as learnt from Shylock
From these two plays, we can draw a conclusion that evil is the mother injustices within any society. Evil diminishes humanity. Shylock is claims that he can take Antonio’s flesh. In the same manner, he is not willing to reduce the interest. In the other play, murder committed by the characters is a show of how evil plays a role in suppressing the human nature.
Ashley, Michael, and William Shakespeare. Shakespearean Whodunnits. New York: Carroll & Graf, 1997.
Christie, Agatha. Evil Under the Sun: A Hercule Poirot Mystery. New York: Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, 2006.
Harbage, Alfred. William Shakespeare: a Reader's Guide. New York: Octagon Books, 1971.
Williams, C K, and Charles Lamb. Tales from Shakespeare. Harlow: Pearson, 1999.
Roberts, Nora. Divine Evil. New York: Bantam Books, 2004.
Ashley, Michael, and William Shakespeare. Shakespearean Whodunnits. New York: Carroll & Graf, 1997.
The playful book by Klugman, “Inside the Mouse: Work and Play at Disney World”, has a different approach and attitude towards Disney World. In the entertaining book, the author depicts the family pleasure at Disney as the most-ideal place for a family vacation. Through his personal description and blended by images, comprehensive analysis of the “World’s” culture and personal interviews, readers get an ample opportunity of learning the vocational pleasures enjoyed by family visiting the area (Klugma 38).
The book takes readers on an alternative tour towards a happier part of the world, through the tour; readers often get opportunities of understanding why the region dominates American’s leisure (Klugma 421). Similarly, the authors of the book demonstrate the daily experiences of people in the park. Disney World, a comprehensive analysis of the pleasure inside the park, which is not only considered as a private tour target but also a public, corporate urban environment in America, grants readers opportunities of understanding the nature of production and consumption of leisure in American culture (Klugma 55).
The guidebook towards the Disney World Park has a special feature of photographs and personal interviews with the workers. The approach by the author aims at demonstrating the unique pleasure of a family vacation in the region. In conclusion, the tour describes by the author on the nature of the park demonstrates the cultural strength. Inside the Mouse, grants the reader an all-inclusive approach towards the serious business and pleasure supply of the U.S. culture.
Bibliographic information
Authors: Klugman, Karen and Jane Kuenz
Title of the book: Inside the Mouse: Work and Play at Disney World
Date of publication: 1999
Klugman, Karen, and Jane Kuenz. Inside the Mouse: Work and Play at Disney World. Durham: Duke University Press, 1999. Print.
"The Glass Menagerie", is play based on a memory by Tennessee Williams draws its action from the memories of the narrator Tom Wingfield. The play revolves around the narrator who takes the role of supporting his family after their father abandons them. In addition, the play partly features a naïve sister character who loses her sense of reality to her preoccupation of collecting glasses. In the play, the family faces a harsh period of depression as they struggle with their lives based on their past, their present and as well their future. The theme of struggle prevails in the play especially on the abandoned family. In his critique, Nelson states that characters in the play struggle and their hopes and destruction of their hopes has a great sense of importance in William’s work (Williams, 2011). He states that these struggles in the play results from their lack of completeness in coping with their dilemmas. The paper is an analysis Nelson’s critique (Parker, 1983).
A. Things that characters lack as seen in the play
In the play, characters lack a sense of realism. While dealing with their dilemmas, they appear stuck between choices between illusion and reality. Amanda Wingfield, a character in the play, has her life wrapped in a world fluctuating between illusion and reality. She shifts from the brutal, realistic world when it is convenient to her. Consequently, she applies several escape methods aiming at coping with her daily life. She fails to acknowledge that Laura is a cripple where she refers her to have a slight physical defect. This shows that she uses an alternative method of referring to Laura’s cripple nature while avoiding the harsh reality. More so, in the play, we learn that when the reality world turns out unbearable for her she shifts to an illusion world where she recalls her youth period where she would have seventeen men callers in a single Sunday. Surprisingly, she had made reference to her youth history in the play more often that it no longer appeared illusion to readers. Resulting from her dramatic shifts between reality and illusion, she faces challenges coping with the harsh reality (Williams, 2011).
Family struggle in the family as seen in Tom results from their lack of a father. After their father abandons their family, Tom undertakes the responsibility of caring for the family. On the other hand, after acquiring the role, he abandons his normal life of adventure and making decisions. Consequently, he experiences a period of dilemma between his normal life and responsibility of taking care of the family. Furthermore, due to the harsh reality in his life, he ends up living a life of escaping the reality. On the other hand, while he wants to leave home, he ensured that he covered Laura with a scarf on the face so that she would not see him. Hence, through covering her face, she would not recognize him leaving the family and thus he would not be guilty of leaving the family. It depicts that he lived in an intertwined life where he did not want to face the reality while leaving the family. Therefore, his life faced a struggle in balancing his responsibilities (Williams, 2011).
Desperation, resulting from a dysfunctional family, is another struggle depicted in the play. Laura appears as a source of desperation in the family. The little woman lacks growth with the rest of her family (Bloom, 2007). Her growth in the family leads to hopelessness as the only sole outcome. As seen from Tom’s statement, “How luck dead people are!” (1.3.34), it demonstrates his desperation and remorse in her growth. More so, while coping with her disability, Laura faces a struggle in the society as she views herself as not fit to enter the society. In her whole life in the play, desperation reigns over her and there is no opportunity for light of hope as she tries to cope with her disability (Parker, 1983).
Finance is an important factor in maintaining a balance in the society. However, in the play, lack of finances appear as a source of struggle faced by the characters. Due to their desperation while living in their apartment after abandonment by their father, none of the family members has a wish of remaining in the apartment. They all have a desire of moving to a different place. However, due to their lack of finances, they do not have the possibility of moving. Therefore, their life struggles persist with no hopes of moving to a different apartment due to their finance limitation (Bloom, 2007).
I agree with Nelson that the characters in the play face their struggles due to their lack of completeness. Individual and family incompleteness is the diminishing factor in the play that leads to the many struggles faced by the characters. Lack of social opportunity, as faced by Laura, limits her from participating and considering herself fit in the society. Consequently, she is not active in the society. More so, this has a high link with lack of self-esteem that makes her consider herself incomplete and unfit for the society. Lastly, lack of confidence makes the characters unable to respond to their struggles accordingly (Bloom, 2007). Laura, Tom and Amanda have escaping lives. They all do not have the confidence to face their struggles boldly. Therefore, it is true that lack of completeness of the characters is the source of their struggles in the play.
Bloom, H. (2007). Tennessee Williams's The glass menagerie. New York, NY: Bloom's Literary Criticism.
Williams, T. (2011). The glass menagerie. New York: New Directions.
Parker, R. B. (1983). The Glass menagerie: A collection of critical essays. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice-Hall.
Virginia Wolf examines the fact of whether Shakespeare had a wonderfully gifted sister called Judith. Shakespeare probably went to grammar school where he learned Latin read the stories of Horace, Virgin and Ovid and the elements of logic and grammar. He was a wild boy and probably once in a while he shot a deer. All this time, on the other hand, her extraordinary sister was at home. The sister was adventurous, and she saw the world in a literal manner. However, she was never in her life given any worthy opportunity to go to school and, therefore, had no chance of learning logic and grammar let alone reading Virgil and Horace. Maybe one in a while she picked up the book and tried to read a few pages, however, her parents would come and tell her to mind the stew or mend the stockings as compared to playing with books and papers.
The title of the essay comes from Virginia conception that a woman should have money as well as a room of her own if she is to write fiction. She notes that women have often been kept from writing because of their poverty and lack of financial freedom that bring women freedom to write. The story shows whether or not women are capable of producing work of quality of William Shakespeare and it addresses the limitations of the past and present that women writers face. The character that Woolf invented Judith is Shakespeare's sister and illustrates a woman with Shakespeare gifts and it would have denied the same opportunities in order to develop them because of the doors that are often closed to women because of their gender. Woolf can tell her personal story through the eyes of Judith; she stayed at home while all her sisters and brothers went off to school. Judith was adventurous and imaginative despite not being sent to school. She is often chastised by her parents when she picks up a book; she is reminded of her household chores that she should be attending to.
Judith is humiliated and feels beaten down, she is betrothed and when she decides she does not want to get married she is beaten up and then shamed forcefully into marriage by her father. All this happens when Shakespeare is establishing himself; Judith however is trapped y the different confines that exist in terms of expectations of women. Finally, she decides that she has had it and she decides to kill herself. Judith genius mind goes unexpressed, and Shakespeare, on the other hand, is able to live on and establish his legacy. If Judith had survived, she would have probably written a lot from her imagination. However, looking at the shelf where there exists no plays about women most probably her work could have gone unsigned. Therefore, the prohibitive and restrictive nature that often restricts women prevented Judith from realizing her full potential and consequently becoming a legend like her brother.
This aspect exists in the play Antigone by Sophocles. There is a restriction about women in the society and where their powers are limited to. Polyneices was the brother to Antigone and the Creon the king had declared him a traitor of the city. "Antigone is faced with a choice of allowing her brother's body to remain unburied outside the city walls where it would automatically be raved by wild animals (Sophocles 102)." Burial was something that was required by the gods and, therefore, there was a need for Antigone to ensure that she fulfilled the demands of the gods in order to avoid their wrath. She, therefore, despite everybody's opinion decides to go against the King and buries his brother honorably. She becomes bold and is no longer afraid of Creon or his administration. She believes that because she has fulfilled what the gods had told her then the gods will return the favor and protect her. Creon hears of this vice, and he decides that in order to ensure that the law is followed to the letter, he would have to have strict action on Antigone. He, therefore decides to sentence Antigone to death. "However, with time Creon is eventually convinced to free Antigone from prison, however, his decision comes extremely late as Antigone has had enough of the Kingdom and decides to commit suicide (Sophocles 120)". Her suicide impacts several persons that are close to the King. Firstly, Creon's son Haemon who was just about to wed Antigone cannot handle the misery of leaving without her and for this reason she decides to take his life. The king's wife Eurydice on hearing the death of her only surviving son decides that she cannot live without her son and also commits suicide. This is often interpreted by many as what goes around coming around. The gods decide to punish Creon by making two people that are closest to him to commit suicide.
Judith and Antigone share several characteristics. Firstly, they all live in environments that are harsh and do not condone the rise of women. Women are restricted to their traditional roles and are not given any reasonable chance to express themselves artistically or politically. Judith was not able to portray her artistic side. She might have been a better genius in literature as compared to her brother William. However, she was denied any opportunity to express herself because of the many restrictions that existed in the society regarding women and their set gender roles. This is also the same case with Antigone. She cannot exercise her political right to bury her brother because the society does not recognize her as a woman. The society at the time was gender restrictive and looked down on Antigone. This is the reason as to why she was faced with the big dilemma of allowing her brother to either rot and be ravaged by wild animals or be sentenced to death for burying him. The same fate befalls both Judith and Antigone, they all succumb to suicide after feeling that they are not able to live in a life that is so masculine dominated. Their suicide is a manifestation of the intolerance nature of the society when it comes to women's right and their right to dream and fulfill their dreams. They are often cut short because of the existing restrictive and gender based roles that put women down and prevent them from achieving success in anything that they venture into. If Judith had been given a chance to go to school, who knows what would have happened. She might have been more famous than William Shakespeare, however, because she was not given an opportunity to do so, her genius died with her.
Antigone pursuit for justice and glory was curtailed with a lot of injustice and laws of men. This is the same case with Judith; it was injustice and laws of men that denied her fame and fortune. The laws of men declared that women should remain at home and do their chores and should not engage in reading or studying books. For this reason, she was denied the opportunity to empower her inborn literal genius and develop it by going to school. On the same case, Antigone was denied by the laws of men the right to bury her brother. The laws of men, in this case, the Laws made by Creon prohibited her from carrying out a sacred right. However, unlike Judith, Antigone was not afraid to break the laws of the state and men in order to pursue justice and glory. She decided to risk it all and bury her brother according to the required customs and culture. However, on the other hand, Judith was afraid to break the laws of men and this is the reason that when she touched a book and started reading a few pages she would immediately give up when she was scolded by her parents for reading. If she had defied the laws of men and read the books and forced herself into school things might have turned out in a different way. "Despite blaming the restrictive environment that exists which curtails women from fully achieving their rights. There is also a conformity that exists among a lot of women that are not prepared to stand up and fight for their rights" (Jacobus 848).
Judith does not exercise her free will and allows the society to determine her destiny; this is not the same case with Antigone. Antigone decides to exercise her free will and takes her path in order to determine her destiny. "However, the two women decide their fate eventually; with suicide (Gula 126)." They all commit suicide and, therefore, determine their death. They are all tired with what the world has to offer and therefore they decide to take their lives.
Athens was a restrictive nation in terms of what women could be able to do. However, it was more liberal as compared to other states that existed at the time. "Women in Athens were known for their boldness as well as their hard-headed nature" (Jacobus 850). This might explain the reason as to why Antigone decided to choose her destiny and go against the wishes and orders of the king in regards to burying her brother. Further, women were extremely emotional in the Athenian society, and this might explain the reason as to why Antigone decided to get killed in order to bury her brother. There was a very strong emotional connection that existed between the two people, and Antigone was ready to die for that emotional connection. The male characters are colder and direct to the point. They are privileged in the society and for this reason there is no much emotional strain that exists between them. One can, therefore, not fully understand their emotions as they are on a different path altogether.
In conclusion, Antigone and Judith share a lot in common. However, there exists several differences such as the fact that Antigone is willing to die in order to get what she thinks is right for her; justice and glory. However, Judith is not willing to sacrifice her life in order to get fame and fortune that would have come if she were a literature master like William.
Gula Roberts, Nonsense Red Harrings, Straw Men and Sacred Cows; How we Abuse Logic in Our Everyday Language. New York : SAGE. Print
Jacobus, Lee A. A World of Ideas: Essential Readings for College Writers. , 2013. Print.
Sophocles,, Ruth Fainlight, and Robert J. Littman. The Theban Plays: Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009. Internet resource.
This is undoubtedly the main theme in Romeo and Juliet. This play espouses the journey of two young lovers, Romeo and Juliet, and the blossoming of their undying love. This is even in spite of the many challenges that these two endure, mainly due to the old and bitter rivalry between their families. Even in spite of the many challenges they face, Romeo and Juliet fill the play with romanticism and love, as is evidenced mainly by their speech which is romantic and poetic at the same time. The love shared by Romeo and Juliet is so strong that it overcomes every obstacle that stood in their way, even the familial rivalries. One of the most famous parts of the play is the scene where Romeo sees Juliet over the garden window, and the two engage in conversation. Even though the story has a tragic ending, it is a tragedy that is characterized by love, seeing that both Romeo and Juliet kill themselves out of love.
The theme of fate has also been greatly demonstrated in this literary masterpiece. The beginning of the play, where the audience is informed that Romeo and Juliet are ‘star-crossed’ (Shakespeare, 2013) is a great example of the essence of fate in this play. Fate is also evidenced in the fact that these two lovers come from feuding families that are bitter rivals throughout the course of the play. Another elaborate example of fate is highlighted in the chance encounter between Romeo and Juliet over the garden window.
The theme of marriage is very well portrayed in this play. At the time and world in which the play is set, marriage is an avenue of forging alliances and closing deals. In such a time, it was unheard of to marry out of love. However, Romeo and Juliet go against the tide and opt to marry for love, a feat that is extremely dangerous for themselves, as well as their families. This act of marrying for love espouses an idea that Shakespeare believed needed to be adopted into society, since many young men and women were stuck in arranged and loveless marriages.
The theme of gender is also elaborated in this play. In Verona, there is a lot of pressure for young men to prove their manhood. This social pressure is responsible for the high levels of machismo that many of the male characters, particularly Romeo, exhibit. Interestingly, Romeo succumbs to this social pressure to prove his manliness and challenges Tybalt to a duel. He ends up killing Tybalt, causing even more feuding between the Montague and Capulet families, as well as being exiled from Verona (Shakespeare, 2013). Juliet also has her fair share of troubles. In the world of the play, women are perceived to be more of ‘objects’ or ‘instruments’ that men control. For instance, Juliet is frustrated by her father’s decision to marry her to Paris (Shakespeare, 2013). Juliet is also burdened by the need to feel like a grown woman that can make her own decisions, but her parents refuse to let her experience such a luxury.
Violence is strongly highlighted in this play. The fact that the Capulet and Montague families are embroiled in endless feuding is a source of violence throughout the play. For instance, the vengeance-killing of Tybalt by Romeo (Shakespeare, 2013) is an example of the violence within the play that is mainly fueled by the ‘illicit’ relationship between Romeo and Juliet. It is also noteworthy that both Romeo and Juliet have contemplated suicide. Although they love each other dearly, both of them are willing to die should they have to live a life without their significant other, and this comes to life in the tragic end of the play.
Shakespeare, W. (2013). Romeo and Juliet.
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