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Losing weight remain a challenge to many people and the associated health effects still abound. The main challenge in Richmond is the issue of overweight and lack of efficient healthcare coverage. The statistics are shocking with an approximate 28.8 percent of people in the metropolitan area of Richmond having overweight problems (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2014).
It is ranked the third in the category of obese communities in the U.S. Child obesity is the prevalent case of overweight citizens with 25 % of the children identified to have weight related issue. Children who are obese in the early stages of life have a greater risk of having other health related problems when they grow older. Such issues include diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Healthy eating should be a prerequisite in dealing with the overweight challenges among children. Despite the reasons leading to obesity being multiple and complex, the high prevalence of this condition is contributed by poor diet choices and leading sedentary lifestyles (Richmond & Fein, 2005).
Other medical conditions such as hyperthyroidism contribute to obesity. The problem of obesity in Richmond is endemic, and various pieces of legislation are being passed to control the skyrocketing cases. In most cases, epidemic would require government intervention; however, the issue of obesity is multifaceted and thus there is no simple antidote to the problem.
Coupling the problem of obesity is lack of healthcare coverage. There exist a huge gap in healthcare coverage among the citizens of Richmond (Waters & Wiley InterScience (Online service), 2010). Statistics indicates that over 400,000 low income earners in Richmond have no health insurance coverage (Healthy People, 2013). Another huge number of citizens do not qualify for Affordable Care Act, and many still have no health insurances. Uncovered patients have the problem of raising the medical bills and paying for other health related services. The people in the low income earners bracket cannot afford the basic health care coverage and though they from the largest percentage of the population.
Richmond California has endeavored in health promotion initiatives to solve of the health issues it is facing. A good example of such initiative is Healthy People. This forms a nationwide health promotion, disease alleviation and control program that serves as the proper roadmap to community health and wellness (Edelman & Mandle, 2009). The initiative was formed using the funding from individuals various organizations.
Overtime the initiative has been the subject of evolution due to the fresh addition of national initiatives to the disease prevention and eradication. Though a national health initiative, Healthy People impact directly on Richmond through engaging in nationwide improvement of health condition of the residents (Healthy People, 2013). Other initiatives include achieving health equity and eliminate disparities among all groups of people despite their social class (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2014).
Another initiative identifying with Richmond is Community Health and Wellness. This initiative is governed by the basic principles of describing the health and wellness status of Richmond. The second element involves highlighting on the key initiatives and recommending the best based solution to the problem. Other objectives in the program include defining goals for healthy living among the community members and identifying the policies that will articulate for betterment of health among community members (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2014).
The initiative is mandated by the State since the citizens’ wellness remains a top priority. The initiative has been able to create recreational facilities, and encouraging healthy eating among the residents. Children and adults are encouraged to cycle or walk to short distance places (Healthy People, 2013). Such activities help in increasing physical activity of the residents that are one step in solving the compounding problem of obesity.
Edelman, C., & Mandle, C. L. (2009). Health promotion throughout the lifespan. Princeton, N.J: Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic.
Healthy People (2013, January 6). Healthy People 2020 - Improving the Health of Americans.
Richmond, J. B., & Fein, R. (2005). The health care mess: How we got into it and what it will take to get out. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.
U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (2014, April 4). Healthy People 2010: The cornerstone for prevention.
Waters, E., & Wiley InterScience (Online service) (2010). Preventing childhood obesity: Evidence, policy and practice. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.
Other industries have power brands that are the gold standards for the specific industries. On the contrary, healthcare industry is not dominated by power brands rather the healthcare organizations have to come up with their own standards with hope that the standards will make it possible for them to attain the requisite competitive advantage. Most healthcare organizations chose to capitalize on the inherent strengths in order to promote their brand among the relevant stakeholders (Ginter, Duncan & Swayne, 2013). It calls for the creation of the reputation, retaining relevance, increasing recognition in order to secure return business. This paper will focus on the most important characteristic of a strength or weakness that an organization ought to focus on in order to attain the highest level of competitive advantage possible (Ramani, Mavalankar & Govil, 2008).
Building a reputation is the most important means of attaining high level of competitive advantage. This is the first step taken by an organization in creating trust among the frequent users of the services rendered. People have a tendency of believing what they hear about a hospital (Ginter, Duncan & Swayne, 2013). They would rather pay more for a service in a renowned medical centre than opt for the same service in a remote and less known facility. Owing to this aspect, most of the successful organizations are keen on protecting their image among the relevant publics (Ramani, Mavalankar & Govil, 2008). Some undertake underhand means to ensure that their poor performance or less attractive aspects do not reach the public (Ginter, Duncan & Swayne, 2013). However, other ensures that they place a threshold of quality of service that they strive to attain.
Most of these thresholds are moving targets hence the creation of the ideal of continuous improvement. Thresholds could be measured using various dimensions that vary from one department to the other. However, all the targets set by the departments are parts of a multipronged approach aimed at the creation and sustenance of a good reputation in an organization.
Building of reputation calls for avoidance of the daily mishaps that most of the hospitals make regardless of the ramification of the mishap. As a result, an organization has to ensure that there are no mistakes in the mode of delivery of service. Mishap reduction starts with all services delivered by the organization for instance, the organization has to receive the patients well, take them through the treatment process and make outpatient follow-ups. Ensuring that the patients have the notion that they are cared for and that they are important is the most effective way of creating a lasting reputation for the hospital. Most hospitals with good reputation among the public have a tradition of hiring the best doctors and other medical practitioners. A health organization that has the right staffing will definitely attract more patients compared to the ones that have the adequate staff.
However, the hospital should not be seen as if it is prompting the notion that its doctors are better than the others in the field are since it is unethical for a professional to promote himself on that basis. Trust level will eventually increase when the hospital has a good name among the public. Satisfied patients and family members will eventually make referrals hence the creation of repeat business. Finally, a health organization seeking to gain competitive advantage through reputation building ought to maintain good relationship with the industry regulators. Organizations that manage to maintain amiable relationships with the industry regulators automatically earn the acceptance among the patients and other stakeholders.
Ginter, P., Duncan, W., & Swayne, L. (2013). Strategic management of health care organizations (1st ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Ramani, K., Mavalankar, D., & Govil, D. (2008). Strategic issues and challenges in health management (1st ed.). New Delhi: Sage.
Belle Glade Florida
Community health paper aims at addressing the social, political and economic issues that lead to health problems in Belle Glade County in Florida. The final health paper report is analyzed after the qualitative numbers obtained in the different genomes are combined.
The thesis of this essay is to evaluate the genogram of Belle Glade City in Florida. Thus, this essay will analyze the general demographics, social characteristics, economical characteristics, housing characteristics and health information present in the city. The main objective of this essay is to evaluate the diagnoses of the city, which include crime, illiteracy, HIV, teen pregnancy, unemployment, poverty, drug and substance abuse.
In order to inquire about the problems affecting Belle Glade City, I conducted with Minne Pat Sanchez, who works and lives in Glade County Hospital. According to the interview, the resident complained that there are negative issues that have resulted in the area because of the economical development. She explained that the city has labor conflicts caused by the influx of illegal migrant workers who now secure jobs originally reserved for the city’s residents. Thus, unemployment has hit the city hard. Therefore, there are rising cases of HIV, drug abuse, crime, illiteracy and teenage pregnancies.
Demographics and Socioeconomic Characteristics of Belle Glade City
These problems depicted by Minne Pat Sanchez can highly hinder the development of the county. Thus, in order to evaluate the community’s health status, it is vital to analyze the community’s socioeconomic characteristics.
The population demographics of Belle Glade City consist of a mixed racial population of 12,774. The population density of the city is lower than the average population density of Florida State. The highest population group of the city is between 25-64 years. 57.8% of the state comprises of male residents, while 42.2% of the total population comprises of female residents. This deviates from the state’s population demographics that consist of 48.9% male and 51.1% female residents. Moreover, the city’s population entails mixed racial groups. Majority of the residents are of Caucasian origin who constitute 89%, whereas the rest constitutes of the minority non-white racial groups (Christ & Ross, 2009).
Socio-Economic Indicators of Belle Glade City
The unemployment rate of the city has risen from 4.7% recorded in 2000, to 10.4% recorded in 2010. However, the unemployment rate is lower than the state’s 11.3%. The average annual income earned by employed Belle Glade City is 11% lower than the state’s average annual income. Furthermore, the Belle Glades City poverty levels are 22.2%, which is higher than the state’s 17%. There are higher numbers of education enrollment at high school diploma level in the Glades city compared to the state’s average. The glade’s statistics for successful high school diploma enrollment is 71.3%, whereas the states statistics are 85.6%.
11.3% of Glade’s residents have received a bachelor’s degree (25years and above). In comparison, the state’s statistics for residents who have successfully received bachelor’s degrees stand at 25.7% (25years and above). Thus, the Glade’s city has higher illiteracy levels that the average state literacy levels. The most common areas of employment is the Glades city include agriculture, forestry, health services, education, mining, public administration and construction. The Health Planning Council of Southwest Florida, (2013).
Health Status of the City
According to the state’s rankings, Glades city is ranked the 36th healthiest city out of 67 counties in the state. Nevertheless, Glades city is rated the 59th healthiest with regards to health factors. The death rate the Belle Glades city is 641.3 (three year rate) compared to the state’s 676.2 (three year rate). The death rate for the county has reduced consistently the last decade. The main causes of death in the county are heart disease and cancer. These diseases account for 43% of the county’s deaths in the year 2011. Lung cancer is the leading cancer disease causing death in the county. However, the heart disease death cases are on a constant decrease in the county. Statistics according to racial disparity, heart diseases affect 155.5 of the white population and 60.0 of the black population. On the other hand, cancer rate of death affects 140.9 white populations and 183.0 black populations ( The Health Planning Council of Southwest Florida, 2013)
The Glades County rate of sexually transmitted diseases and vaccine preventable infections falls below the state’s average. Chlamydia is considered as the most prevalent sexually transmitted disease in the state. There have been an average of 39 cases of the infection annually between 2009-2011. Consequently, hepatitis B and whooping cough are the most commonly diagnosed vaccine preventable diseases in Glades County. The average rate of AIDS infection in the state stands at averagely 1.3 people per year (2009-2011). (The Health Planning Council of Southwest Florida, 2013)
Child Health and Maternal
Averagely, 78.7 infants were delivered in Glades County between 2009-2011. The rate of premature pregnancies is higher than the Florida average. The Glades County premature pregnancies statistics stand at 46.0, whereas the state’s average is 32.9. The county has lower rate of infant mortality with 0 recorder infant mortality deaths in 2011 (The Health and Planning Council of Southwest Florida, 2013).
Social and Mental Health
Although Glades suicide rates are higher than the state’s average, they have fallen from 19.5 deaths per 100, 000 residents (2007), compared to 196.9 deaths per 100,000 residents (2010). The crime and domestic violence rates in Glades County are high. Residents of Glades County are highly susceptible to domestic violence than an average Florida resident. The domestic violence rates for Glades County are 618.8 per 100, 000, compared to the state’s average of 605.0 (Allen, 2009).
Health Resources
Access to health care enables a health community. The main objective of Florida State health policy is to improve access to healthcare for residents within the state. The county has 8,600 out of each 100,000 (as of 2011) in the state insured with Medicaid. However, 36.8% of adults within the state have no medical insurance.
The county has two licensed physicians that insinuates for about 15.7 doctors for each 100,000 citizens in the county. Further, there are no nursing home or hospital beds within the county. Although the county spends huge sum of the state’s health fund, there are still major health developments in need. The state is considered as a health professional shortage area and a medically underserved areas or populations (The Health Planning Council of Southwest Florida, 2013).
Healthy People Objectives in Belle Glades County
The Glades County has made some amendments in a bid to improve their health standards. Glades County has shown improvement from 2007 to 2010 in the various sectors. The county has shown improved maternal and childbirth measures. Further, the county has made efforts to raise cancer awareness through clinical breast exams. The county has also improved their diabetes self-control management plans to the county’s residents who have diabetes. Moreover, the county has achieved a rise in HIV testing and pneumonia vaccination (Crist & Ross, 2009).
Community Diagnosis
Within the parameters evaluated by Belle Glades report, the county is an overall medically underserved area. The county suffers from an economic deficit where the residents of the county do not get full employment from the county. Moreover, lack of easy access to health services has led to reduced levels of health efficiency within the county. According to Health People 2020 objectives concerning the Glades County, various improvements need to be accomplished. For instance, the diagnosis for arthritis and chronic joint complications needs to be improved (The Health Planning Council of Southwest Florida, 2013).
Moreover, sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy services should be made more accessible to citizens of the county. Improvement of diabetes management plans such as annual foot exams, annual eye exams and A1C tests. In addition, the state should increase measures aimed at reducing the level of hypertension and cancer. The Affordable Care Act enacted by the U.S government is set to improve healthcare delivery in all states and counties within the country. However, most of the Glades County residents do not understand the importance of the new act. This simulates poor mass education measures within the county.
Moreover, the County is burdened with increased behavioral risk resulting from alcohol and substance abuse. The right rules and regulations should be applied to reduce the level of individual’s indulgence in drug and substance abuse. Furthermore, the illiteracy levels within the county are still high. This widely leads to increased unemployment, premature pregnancies and increased crime in the region. Glades County is the second smallest town in Florida State, thus, it is possible to achieve a fully functional and effective education system.
In order to improve the security and social welfare of the county, various leaders and businessmen work with the county government to improve the county’s cohesiveness. This is a good way to influence effective change by engaging the society in development programs within the county.
Glades County Florida Community Health Assessment Executive Summary (2013). The Health Planning Council of Southwest Florida, Inc.
Crist, C., & Ros, A. M. V. (2009). FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH.
Allen, M. C., & BsN, J. D. (2009). Domestic Violence: The Florida Requirement. CME.
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