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Le, D. J. (November 2000 to 2001). Internet and Network Security . INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY.
The author of the article discusses the network security architecture. The author states that when a network connects to the internet, there is an increase in information sharing and communication over the internet. However, the author highlight that there are some threats that arise from connection of a network to the internet. He classifies the threats as passive and active depending on their effect to information transmission. He establishes the vulnerability of the internet where he gives a description of the loop holes commonly used by attackers to access information. This is a viable source to the research paper as it gives a clear description of the different threats that the internet faces. This source gives the vulnerability of the internet to threat attacks (Le, 2013).
Alderman, Ellen, and Caroline Kennedy. (2004). Right to Privacy. New York : Vintage.
The authors of the book give their personal experience on privacy violations. They describe their resolutions towards lack of comprehensive agendas of solving the problem of informational privacy. They state that, as an American citizen, one ought to have personal measures aimed at protecting personal information. They describe the threat that lies on personal information where they highlight that most of personal information is stored in computers. They give comprehensive examples of banks and insurance companies that store their information in computers where people can easily access them. This source is relevant to the research paper as it gives a description of the possible effect of storing personal information in computers. Its implication to the research paper is when the authors provide an example of an incident where a reporter was able to access Dan’s credit report through a phone call (Alderman, 2004).
Rose, A. (2013). The Internet of Things Has Arrived- And So Have Massive Security Issues
The author of the article gives a description of the security issues that the internet faces. He gives a description of the loopholes that attackers use while accessing the internet remotely. In addition, Rose gives a description on the evolution of the internet where he describes it as a gradual process (Rose, 2013). In addition, the author of the article gives a description of different frameworks that can be used to deal with the security issues arising from the use of the internet. This source is relevant to the research paper as it gives the basic security threats that the internet faces. In addition, it gives some recommendations while dealing with the highlighted threats. Its implication in the research paper is that it gives the different frameworks that can be used to deal with security threats arising from the use of the internet.
Acohido, B. (2011). Web tracking has become a privacy time bomb. USA TODAY.
Byron describes tracking as one privacy threat facing the internet. He states that while using the internet and other mobile application, people can easily learn the location of the other person. He states that tracking cache, learnt by accessing websites that one had accessed can be used to learn business transactions that the individual engaged in and as well derive some personal information shared through the internet (Acohido, 2011). His approach to security threats of the internet is learnt through his description of the different tracking methods that can be used to learn some exchanged information and as well locate the position of other people.
University of Florida Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Network Security: History, Importance, and Future. Bhavya Daya.
The book describes network security as one social concern among many people. They describe the urge of internet security while accessing the internet over a network. The authors describe internet privacy as major causes of mistrust of the internet among many people. They continue to highlight the importance of having a secured internet. The book gives some protocols used in the internet (that is IP). This source is relevant in the research as it gives a description of internet security and gives solutions to network threats faced by internet users. Its implication in the paper is where it gives some recommendations of dealing with privacy threats.
Rose, A. (2013). The Internet of Things Has Arrived- And So Have Massive Security Issues
Le, D. J. (November 2000 to 2001). Internet and Network Security . INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY.
Alderman, Ellen, and Caroline Kennedy. (2004). Right to Privacy. New York : Vintage.
Acohido, B. (2011). Web tracking has become a privacy time bomb. USA TODAY.
University of Florida Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Network Security: History, Importance, and Future. Bhavya Daya.
Balan, L., & Popescu, M. (2011). Credit card fraud. The USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration, 11(1), 81-85.
The summary
According to this article by PhD lecturers at the University of Suceava in Romania, the two things are driving the high levels of fraud are the internet and the current laws on bank cards. As a result of the rise of e-commerce, the Internet has become the way for bankcard fraud to happen more easily. Since payments happen automatically through the Internet, thieves find it easy to get money or buy things quickly. E-commerce contributed because people are using their card information through the Internet more often, making them easy targets for hackers, phishing, or fake websites. They say that a focus on prevention is the best approach.
Evaluation of the source
This article is done by two PhD lecturers at the University of Suceava in Romania in the Department of Economics and Public Administration. It is published in a peer-reviewed journal which is The USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration. The article is clearly made for an academic audience and has accurate citations. The article was published in 2011.
Financial institutions must educate their employees, merchants and customers in order to best fight the growing problem of bankcard fraud. This article has lots of good information about different types of bankcard fraud and how they occur. This article is important because it has all the basic information on types of bankcard stamp.
Chaudhary, K, Mallick, B, (2012). Credit Card Fraud: The study of its impact and detection techniques. International Journal of Computer Science and Network (IJCSN) 1(4).
This article published in the International Journal of Computer Science and Network. It is about bankcard fraud, and its effects and their electronic ways that financial companies have tried to use against bankcard fraudsters. They found the link between the Internet, e-commerce and more bankcard fraud. They found that data mining techniques are really important for fraud detection. Data mining means looking at the customers’ spending patterns and noticing changes or abnormal charges. The sooner the bank can detect fraud the better for everyone because
They can stop the theft. Also, it shows about all the different data mining techniques and approves
CARDWATCH is the most effective.
This article is written by two people in the department of computer science at Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology at Greater Noida, India. This article is made for an academic audience because it has lots of computer science information on data mining methods in use against bankcard theft. It has lots of citations to sources published in scholarly journals. Also, it is published in the International Journal of Computer Science, which is peer-reviewed journal in the computer science field.
It is good article with lots of specific information about the data mining methods. This article has lots of important statistics on bankcard theft and how much it costs different people. It is important for my research because it has lots of statistics about how much merchants, financial institutions and consumers lose as a result of bankcard fraud.
Douglass, D. B. (2009). An examination of the fraud liability shift in consumer card-based payment systems. Economic Perspectives, 33(1), 43-9.
This article talks about who is liable when bankcard fraud occurs. According to this article, in practice financial institutions are most liable for damages when the crime occurs as a result of consumer protections that are too lenient. Financial institutions have their own rules leading when they are liable or when a merchant is liable. Also it talks about the reasons why it is difficult for the system to run at its optimal rate because of where the liability falls.
Duncan B. Douglas is a lawyer, partner at Alston and Bird. He is specialized in payment systems, transactions and regulatory issues.
This is going to be useful for the government part of my research that I will talk about the role of government in the problem we are going through with bankcard fraud. Also going to be useful in explaining what can be done to entice merchants to be more watchful for fraud. It is good for explaining why financial institutions are under current laws. Financial institutions have the most power to stop fraud.
U.S. Electronic Fund Transfer Act, IX U.S.C. § 909 (1968 & Supp. 1978).
This source is coming from a law that was passed in 1978. The law establishes many things, especially about the use of bankcards. According to the section 909, a consumer is not liable if it is approved, something that is basically default until it is reported stolen or misplaced. A customer can be liable for up to $50 or what was stolen if a weird charge is not disputed before 60 days. They can be liable for damages if they do not report a card stolen within two days.
Because it is directly from the law online from the U.S. government, it is reliable. This source provides a lot of really good direct information about how the law, financial institutions and consumers should interact. This primary source comes directly from the US government’s FTC website.
This source is useful with supporting some of the facts about how much time individuals have to report their card missing or report a fraudulent charge on their statement. Also, it has more information on laws that regulate the use of bankcards.
Federal Trade Commission Consumer Information. Protecting Against Credit Card Fraud.
This information is directly from the U.S. government. According to the FTC, the Federal Trade Commission, individuals can protect themselves against bankcard fraud by educating themselves on how it happens. They also give few tips on how to avoid having your bankcard information stolen. They say not to give your PIN to anyone, even family members. Carrying your cards separate from your wallet would keep them safe if the wallet were stolen. Make sure that you see your card when using it so someone doesn't do something suspicious with it. Opening statements quickly after receiving them and reporting any weird charges are really important to keeping fraud low. If anyone loses or misplaces a card, there is liable for 50 dollars. But if it is reported within 2 days, the consumer is not liable. People who report fraud sometimes have to sign promising they did not make the charges they are disputing.
Its information is coming straight from the US government. It is not published in a peer-reviewed journal, because it is from the U.S government, but it has some very useful information.This article is going to be very useful because it talks a little bit about what type of fraud people do with bankcards but it also has lots of specific information about what consumers can do to reduce the risk of being a victim of bankcard fraud.
Worthington, S. (2009). Debit cards and fraud. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 27(5), 400-402.
This is an executive summary of debit cards and fraud in Australia and international countries. Bankcard fraud is more international crime. The article is about the relevant of fraud in other English speaking countries with similar rates of card use like the UK, US and New Zealand. It talks about the international nature of bankcard fraud in the modern world. They talk about the impact of current technology on debit card fraud. According to this author, the rates of using debit cards and fraud have increased. Frauds from debit cards affect consumer more than credit cards, because debit cards are directly linked to their bank account and not the financial institutions. This article has lots of good information about the differences between fraud with credit cards and debit cards. Credit cards are safer for consumers, but they own the money they borrow. Debit cards are very dangerous because once stolen, a criminal could have a direct access to a consumer’s account.
This is written by Professor Steve Worthington PhD at the Monash University in Melbourne Australia. He is a professor and researcher. One of his papers is “Banking without the Banks” in the International Journal of Bank Marketing being the 2nd most downloaded in 2011.
This source is very useful for my research because it compares the safety and dangers of debit and credit card fraud, which affect consumers and financial institutions differently. I will use this article to show those differences and why it is important to keep safe, especially with debit cards. It has various statistics about bankcard theft around the world. It is important to give to support my research with examples of how much money bankcard fraud costs the world economy each year.
Lee, Kenneth K. Huddled Masses, Muddled Laws: Why Contemporary Immigration Policy Fails to Reflect Public Opinion. Westport, Conn: Praeger, 1998. Print.
The book argues that since the year 1997 the United States has accepted more legal immigrants than all other countries combined. This large influx has led to increased bilingualism, unemployment, welfare subsidy as well as issues in national and public security. The author gives information of why the immigration policy has failed by tracing several political movements such as conservative economics as well as racial liberalism. This book is important as it gives information about the current immigration policy and why legal immigration is affecting the United States of America. This source is credible as it uses facts to back up almost all of its arguments and will therefore play an important role in my research paper.
Cornelisse, Galina. Immigration Detention and Human Rights: Rethinking Territorial Sovereignty. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2010. Print.
This book presents the idea that practices of immigrant detention are often resistant to the conventional forms of legal correction because they appeal to territorial sovereignty. The author goes ahead and states that human rights in immigration detention can often function as a ground for the destabilization of the rights. It especially mentions that case of asylum seekers who are supposed to be protected by the country that they go and seek asylum from. This book is of important as it gives information about asylum seekers which is a large part in my research paper. It also presents the issue of ethics and human rights when dealing with refugees and other persons that are seeking asylum in a certain country. The author is biased in his research as he only focuses on the rights of the refugee but does not consider the strain on the government to habit the refugees and asylum seekers.
East-west Migration: The Alternatives. Cambridge (Mass.: MIT press, 1992. Print.
This article looks at the immigration statistics from previous eras and takes into account the short term as well as long term effects of migration into the United States. The author makes a conclusion that legal immigration is important but there is need to lay down several conditions for investment, length of stay and aid. This article is important as it gives the short term and long term effects of migration into the United States. These effects are pertinent to my paper and consequently this is the reason as to why I chose this source. There exists no bias in the authors' tone and research as they are able to present their arguments that are backed up with facts.
Chetail, Vincent, and Céline Bauloz. Research Handbook on International Law and Migration. , 2014. Print.
This handbook states that migration is a complex as well as multifaceted issue, and the current legal framework can be said to suffer ambiguity and cohesive focus. The handbook offers a comprehensive intersection of the law and migration in order to understand why there is a need to regulate migration. The book deals with issues from legal migration in the United States to the taking up of asylum seekers and refugees. Therefore, this book is extremely important to my research as it gives pertinent information about legal migration, the laws that exists and the current migration issues in the world. The authors offer credible information especially about laws and the issues in regards to migration.
Medina, Maria I. Migration Law in the Usa. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International, 2011. Print.
This article examines the rights of the non-nationals in the United States and continues to look at the legal and administrative conditions for the persons that not have the citizenship in the United States. It looks at the immigrants' entitlement to welfare and other social services as well as their role in the economy. Further, it looks at the legal immigrants' contribution to the economy as compared to how much they take from the economy. This article is of crucial importance to my paper as it gives adequate information regarding the contribution of legal immigrants versus what they take from the economy. The author gives information from both sides and this therefore, shows that he is neutral in his topic and conducts adequate research.
Canterbury, Dennis C. Capital Accumulation and Migration. Leiden: Brill, 2012. Print.
Canterbury looks at the subject of capital accumulation and migration. He examines the migration process in a financial perspective. One of the central feature of his book is the impact of legal migration and illegal migration on the economy of the United States. He also looks at the impact of migration in the global political economy arguing that it often helps to facilitate capital accumulation. Canterbury's thoughts are important in my research paper as he gives information about legal migration and how if controlled it can lead to several economic consequences all over the world. The author is a respected immigration professor and this paper shows that he has conducted adequate research providing credible information that is unbiased.
Bean, Frank D, Barry Edmonston, and Jeffrey S. Passel. Undocumented Migration to the United States: Irca and the Experience of the 1980s. Santa Monica (Calif.: Rand corporation, 1990. Print.
The authors argue that there is a need to control the undocumented migration into the United States in order to avoid a stretch of the available resources in the country. The authors rely on different data sources and state that the problem of estimating whether the IRCA has had an impact when it comes to illegal immigration into the United States. They present results drawing a picture of the changing patterns that exists in both legal and illegal immigration. This paper uses different data sources and therefore, it is reliable and unbiased. It is important to my research paper as it shows the changing patterns of illegal and legal immigration into the United States.
Trachtman, J. P., & Ghosh, B. The international law of economic migration: Toward the fourth freedom. Kalamazoo, Mich: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research. 2009. Print
The article makes an argument that if migration is controlled carefully, it can be able to raise the living standards of different poor countries. The author is able to analyze the political economic constraints and evidence against opening the United States borders to different migrant workers from different areas. This article plays an integral role in my research paper as it analyzes why it is important to control migration and the consequences that often come when one does not control migration. The article goes further ahead to explain why United States should not open its border to migrant workers. The author is biased in his topic as his only looks at the negative effects of immigrants and does not look at the positive effects that come with them.
Pandit, K., & Withers, S. D. Migration and restructuring in the United States: A geographic perspective. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 1999. Print
The article argues that there is a need to ensure that migration in the United States is restructured properly in order to control migration. The article cites areas that have high immigrants and consequently they become anti-American as the persons often identify their own culture and language. The authors argue that these are some of the consequences that come with high illegal and legal immigration into the United States. There is a need to ensure that there is a restructure of the immigration policy in the U.S. This article is imperative in my paper as it gives information regarding the consequences of illegal and legal migration and why there is a need to ensure that immigration is controlled. The authors are angry at immigrants based on their tone arguing that the immigrant's culture is anti-American. Therefore, it can be argued that these authors are biased.
Laham, N. Ronald Reagan and the politics of immigration reform. Westport, Conn: Praeger. 2000. Print
Laham in his book argues that Ronald Reagan demonstrated ineptitude when it came to his conduct of the immigration policy. The author argues that it is this system that has corrupted the United States immigration policy. He states that Ronald Reagan failed to effectively rid his establishment of fraud ridden employer sanctions regime which had no effect on achieving his goal of stemming down the flow that existed in illegal immigration. This book gives the loopholes that exist in the system which makes it hard to control immigration. My thesis is about controlling legal immigration and consequently, this paper is pertinent to my research and it is for this reason that I decided to include it in my research. The author is spot on about Reagan and he gives credible information regarding his immigration policies.
Fahrmeir, A., Faron, O., & Weil, P. Migration control in the North Atlantic world: The evolution of state practices in Europe and the U.S. from the French Revolution to the inter-war period. New York: Berghahn books. 2005. Print
The authors present arguments of how immigration has been controlled in Europe and the United States from the French revolution to the inter-war period. The authors argue that there is something that can be learned from history. There was migration control in the past, and although it was not entirely successful there are several traits that can be applicable in the 21st century. The authors present evidence of how the United States controlled populations from coming into the United States, for example, the Chinese. They argue that although those draconian laws need not to be re-established there is a need to look at them in a different light and reshape them to include the diversity that exists in the 21st century. This article is important in my research as it shows how in the past immigration control worked and how it is applicable in the 21st century. The author in this article presents accurate historical facts and links them to the present in sound arguments. Therefore, his article can be described as being credible and reliable.
In Hollifield, J. F., In Martin, P. L., & In Orrenius, P. M. Controlling immigration: A global perspective. 2014. Print.
This article presents an argument on how immigrants should be controlled in a global perspective. He presents information on the importance of how to control immigration and why there is a need to ensure immigration is controlled. He gives several examples of not controlling immigration and they include reduction of jobs for the locals in their own local economy, the reduction of welfare, increase in crime and other related activities as well increase in unwanted social behaviors. Therefore, he states that it is of the essence for states to understand how they can be able to control immigration. This article is extremely important in the controlling of immigration and is extremely relevant to my paper. This is the reason as to why I decided to incorporate it in my paper. The writer explores both the effects of not controlling immigration in a positive and negative manner. Therefore, it can be argued that he is not biased and this is a credible source.
Borjas, G. J., & National Bureau of Economic Research. Mexican immigration to the United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2007. Print
The Mexicans represent the largest portion of Immigrants in the United States. Therefore, in order to control immigration the author argues that there is a need to ensure that several lessons from the Mexicans are learned. For example, the Broccoli system brought a lot of Mexicans into the United States. He compares this Broccoli system with the current legal immigration into the United States because of high tech jobs. The Broccoli system brought into the United States millions of Mexican workers after the Second World war who came to work as most the able bodied men had gone to fight in the war. This paper is of importance to my research as it gives a perspective of legal immigrants and why there is a need to regulate and control their entry into the United States. Further, the article compared the Broccoli system with the current legal migration which is extremely pertinent to my paper. The author is not biased in his views and gives correct historical facts in relation to Mexican immigration into the United States and the factors that made it hard to control this immigration.
Chiswick, B. R. High-skilled immigration in a global labor market. Washington, D.C: AEI Press. 2011. Print
This article states that recent US immigration reforms have often focused on the regulation of the population of low skilled workers. However, High skilled immigration reform proposals have not been tabled. Although these persons often attract the economy and they expand production capability there is also the issue of reducing jobs for Americans. Therefore, there is a need to look at this issue in the two different perspectives, firstly, in terms of generation of income to the country and secondly the reduction of jobs and increase in legal migration. The authors conclude that there is a need to alter the immigration policy in the United States in a bid to maximize the economic benefits that come with high skilled immigration. This article is crucial to my research paper as it gives information regarding high skilled labor immigration into the United States which is a pertinent issue in my research paper. The credibility and reliability of the author cannot be doubted, from the way he structures his arguments it can be argued that he presents an unbiased view on the topic.
Bilal, A., Bracey, G., Cruz, A., Johnston, T., & Rinehardt, Z. (2010). Punishing the Poorest: How the Criminalization of Homelessness Perpetuates Poverty in San Francisco. San Francisco: Coalition on Homelessness. Retrieved January 31, 2019, from San Francisco Bayview: http://www.cohsf.org/Punishing.pdf
Bilal et al. explore one of the most prominent socio-economic aspects of San Francisco - homelessness. They start by examining 1981 as a year when the city board implemented laws criminalizing homelessness to reduce sitting and sleeping in public places. The findings on this report are based on 43 interviews and 351 citywide surveys of homeless people conducted by a volunteer organization called the Coalition on Homelessness. It presents data on policy, arrests, and citations from the SFPD, the Sheriff’s Office, the Recreation and Park Development as well as the Human Services Agency. Their report analyzes the steps that have been taken towards criminalizing homelessness and the impact these have had on other aspects such as gender and racial inequality, homelessness, and poverty.
Bolan, R. K., & Owen, W. F. (2000). The AIDS Epidemic in San Francisco: The Response of Community Physicians, 1981-1984. AIDS Clinical Practice in the Private Sector. (S. S. Hughes, Interviewer) Owen, William F. The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.
The late 1970s and early 1980s is a period in the history of San Francisco that medical practitioners associated with the emergence of a strange disease characterized by unusual purple lesions and progressive pneumonia. Moreover, this was also the time when the Gay Liberation movement was gathering steam in the US as young men and women begun enjoying a new sense of empowerment that made them comfortable with going public about their sexuality. As Bolan and Owen—both medical doctors and members of the early gay groups in America—expound in this interview, the prevalence of Pneumocystis carinii and Kaposi's sarcoma among members of the gay fraternity convinced physicians that these were not "isolated freak occurrences." Bolan and Owen explain the link between the emergence of HIV/AIDS in San Francisco and gay groups. It tracks the development of the disease, the search for a cure, and the implications on an unprepared medical world.
Dear, M. J., & Wolch, J. R. (1992). Landscapes of Despair: From Deinstitutionalization to Homelessness. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Here the authors analyze the growth of urban ghettos of a socially-dependent population comprising the physically and mentally disabled, addicts and ex-offenders. Drawing from a multitude of case studies in various cities in the US and Canada, this book is a comprehensive breakdown of the nature of these ghettos and how homelessness has been a factor in the creation of service-dependent groups. As such, it explores the relationship between service dependency and city planning by pushing the current parameters of planning for service-dependent populations. It is useful because it will help in establishing the correlation between HIV/AIDS prevalence and service-dependent populations in San Francisco.
Kinna, T., Morgan, J. R., Gaeta, J. M., Hohl, C., & Drainoni, M.-L. (2016, February). Homelessness, HIV, and Incomplete Viral Suppression. Journal of Health Care Poor Underserved, 27(1), 145 –156. doi:10.1353/hpu.2016.0020
Kinna et al. explore the scientifically-proven relationship between HIV/AIDS suppression and homelessness. This study examined HIV seropositive patients enrolled in a healthcare program for the homeless. EMR data of 138 patients were analyzed and compared with health and demographic characteristics as well as housing status. For 95 participants whose HIV viral loads were detectable, a multivariate logistic analysis was conducted to identify the factors responsible for incomplete viral suppression. The results put the adjusted odds ratio for incomplete HIV viral suppression at 3.84 times higher for the homeless (95% CI 1.36 - 10.36) than for individuals with homes. More importantly, the study noted that combining antiretroviral with illicit drug use was negatively correlated with HIV suppression.
Quimby, E. G., Edidin, J. P., Ganim, Z., Gustafson, E., Hunter, S. J., & Karnik, N. S. (2012, October 30). Psychiatric Disorders and Substance Use in Homeless Youth: A Preliminary Comparison of San Francisco and Chicago. Behavioral Sciences, 2(3), 186 –194. doi:10.3390/bs2030186
This study explores the interplay between youth homelessness—a growing problem in the US—and adverse substance abuse and psychiatric disorders it is believed to have. Quimby et al. compared the prevalence of mental illnesses and substance abuse among the homeless youth (18 – 24 year-olds) in Chicago (N=56) and San Francisco (N=31). The researchers used the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) to evaluate DSM-IV-TR diagnoses as well as substance abuse disorders. The findings showed that 87% and 81% of the San Francisco and Chicago youth respectively met the criteria for at least 1 MINI psychiatric diagnosis. Two-thirds in both samples had a mood disorder, and one-third were diagnosed with anxiety disorder. 84% of San Francisco youth met the criteria for a substance-related disorder compared to 48% in Chicago. The study conclusively shows that homeless youth have significant mental health needs.
Bilal, A., Bracey, G., Cruz, A., Johnston, T., & Rinehardt, Z. (2010). Punishing the Poorest: How the Criminalization of Homelessness Perpetuates Poverty in San Francisco. San Francisco: Coalition on Homelessness. Retrieved January 31, 2019, from San Francisco Bayview: http://www.cohsf.org/Punishing.pdf
Bolan, R. K., & Owen, W. F. (2000). The AIDS Epidemic in San Francisco: The Response of Community Physicians, 1981-1984. AIDS Clinical Practice in the Private Sector. (S. S. Hughes, Interviewer) Owen,William F. . The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley. Retrieved from http://content.cdlib.org/view?docId=kt1489n6h0&brand=calisphere&doc.view...
Dear, M. J., & Wolch, J. R. (1992). Landscapes of Despair: from Deinstitutionalization to Homelessness. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Kinna, T., Morgan, J. R., Gaeta, J. M., Hohl, C., & Drainoni, M.-L. (2016, February). Homelessness, HIV, and Incomplete Viral Suppression. Journal of Health Care Poor Underserved, 27(1), 145 –156. doi:10.1353/hpu.2016.0020
Quimby, E. G., Edidin, J. P., Ganim, Z., Gustafson, E., Hunter, S. J., & Karnik, N. S. (2012, October 30). Psychiatric Disorders and Substance Use in Homeless Youth: A Preliminary Comparison of San Francisco and Chicago. Behavioral Sciences, 2(3), 186 –194. doi:10.3390/bs2030186
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