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Providing for a family is a challenging task in today’s world. Parents work long hours to pay bills and ensure that their children live a comfortable life. As a result, most parents return home tired and with little energy or time to follow up on their children’s educational progress. Some parents delegate all educational responsibilities to teachers. However, a child whose parents are supportive and involved in his or her education has a better chance of succeeding in school.
Firstly, children whose parents play a critical role in their education score higher grades than those whose parents play a passive role or are absent altogether. This is because active parents encourage their children to succeed in school. They aid their children to do their homework and help teachers to identify and solve difficulties encountered in their children’s education. They also help their children choose subjects and courses they can pursue with passion and excellence.
The involvement of parents in the education of their child also influences teachers (Jeynes, 2011). Since instructors play a significant role in rating and grading a child, “a high degree of parental involvement likely influences how the teacher perceives and even grades the child” (Jeynes, 2011, p. 55). According to Chance (1997), providing teachers with feedback about a child’s attitude and wellbeing can help the child achieve higher scores in IQ tests and vocabulary competence.
Secondly, children with supportive parents are more disciplined than those with unsupportive parents. It is easy for parents who follow up on their children’s school activities to identify weaknesses that may lead to indiscipline. They can then discuss such weaknesses with teachers and develop strategies and mechanisms to rectify the weaknesses. As a result, children with such parents are less likely to develop disorderly behaviors. Children with supportive parents are less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol or to be suspended from school (Feuerstein, 2000). A study by Sui-Chu and Willms (1996) concluded that eighth graders whose parents were keen on their child’s schoolwork had reduced absenteeism and were less likely to drop out of school. Schools with many activities that require parental involvement report fewer incidences of violent or antisocial behavior (Connor, 2012).
Thirdly, the involvement of a parent in a child’s education increases the child’s self-esteem. A high self-esteem, in turn, improves the child’s general wellbeing and their success in education (Feuerstein, 2000). Amsel (2013), who holds a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in sociology, wrote that limited parental involvement makes children feel unappreciated because there is no one to remind them that they are admirable, valuable and exciting.
Children who feel unappreciated have negative thoughts and feelings about themselves (Amsel, 2013). This hampers the development of the children’s self-confidence and compromises their self-esteem (Amsel, 2013). Parents who want to improve their child’s esteem should not restrict their involvement to activities at school. Rather, “parental involvement in the education of children encompasses education-related activities both at home and school” (Onwughalu, 2011, p. 5). However, Amsel (2013) also warned parents that overindulgence in their child’s life may give the child little room to self-reflect and develop self-esteem.
In conclusion, involvement of parents in their children’s education improves the children’s chances of succeeding in school. Children with caring and involved parents score higher grades in school. This is evident from various studies that show students with supportive parents scoring high marks in tests. Such children have an elevated level of discipline and are less likely to engage in antisocial activities. Finally, the esteem of a child is dependent on his or her parent’s involvement in his or her life and education. This, in turn, affects the child’s performance in school. Thus, parents should strive to find time to follow up on their children’s education and collaborate with teachers to support and encourage their children.
Amsel, B. (2013, July 16). The effects of parental involvement on self-confidence and self-esteem.
Chance, P. (1997). Speaking of differences. Phi Delta Kappan, 78(7), 506-507.
Connor, D. F. (2002). Aggression and antisocial behavior in children and adolescents: Research and treatment. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
Feuerstein, A. (2000). School characteristics and parent involvement: Influences on participation in children’s schools. Journal of Educational Research, 94(1), 29-40.
Jeynes, W. H. (2011). Parental involvement and academic success. New York, NY: Routledge.
Onwughalu, O. J. (2011). Parents’ involvement in education: The experience of an African immigrant community in Chicago. Bloomington, IN: iUniverse.
Sui-Chu, E. H., & Willms, J. D. (1996). Effects of parental involvement on eighth-grade achievement. Sociology of Education, 69(2), 126-141.
High school is a very exciting stage of education that offers a very good platform for students to shape their lives as they also gain academic knowledge. There are several things that are very important for a student joining high school to be familiar with to get the most out of this level of studies. The most important thing is to be an all-rounded student by ensuring that you are active in school activities and also in all the classes that you take. Many students tend to overdo one thing and therefore they end up failing at some point in their studies.
When joining high school, it is important to keep in mind that there are a variety of activities in the school, and you should remain active within the school community. You can either join a club, athletic or football team or become an active participant (Howe, 2012). On top of this, all high schools have musical and festival activities which are an important opportunity to become active and have fun. To expand your knowledge and language skills I would recommend that you join a language honor society where you can choose from Spanish, German and French. Becoming active in these areas mentioned keeps you excited and looking forward to being in school even during holidays.
High schools can provide good and responsible leaders as they shape students' characters. It is important for you to take up a leadership position of an officer role in one of the clubs of your choice. You may not necessarily get the top leadership position, but any officer role is good. Such a position makes you a responsible individual as you are expected to fulfill some duties. Secondly, leadership position will make you a very good decision maker because over time you will be required to make critical decisions (Howe, 2012).
Many schools provide volunteer programs for their students, and this is a very important opportunity for you. Participating in such program keeps you active in school and occupied during your free time. Research shows that most high school students waste a lot of time outside class with no constructive activities. Voluntary work is; therefore, a very important channel to spend your time. In case the school does not have such programs, you can also look for volunteer programs outside school. The advantages of making such participation are that you make new friends, build your resume and also have fun and enjoy your high school period.
Finally, it is important to give your classes and academics the seriousness it deserves. You should stay focused and avoid laziness by being very active in all the classes that you take. Developing a positive attitude about your teachers and the different disciplines helps a lot in ensuring that you remain interested throughout your high school experience (Howe, 2012). You should have a well-organized personal timetable for your guideline and ensure that you complete all class work and homework. Keeping in mind that you are building resume at this stage will help you remain focused throughout your high school.
In conclusion, high school is a very exciting stage in your studies, and you will be able to learn a lot as you have fun and create new friends. If you follow all the suggestions made, then you will remain an active student and also perform well in class. All these will prepare you for other responsibilities in your life that are much greater and demanding.
Howe, R. (2012). 101 ways to adjust to high school. New York: Kaplan.
As a new student in college, there is a need for an individual to best that one can. It is not everybody who will graduate college with a perfect GPA score, however; everyone should try to do their best and not regret thereafter. Secondly, there is a need for one to bind with the right group. In college, an individual is often going to meet a lot of variety of people, however, surrounding oneself with the right people is key to enjoying one's life at college. One should try to associate him or herself with people that have similar values as well as interests.
A responsible student can be described as somebody that takes charge of her or his life. This implies the completing of everything that is required of the student including assignments, the studying of tests and also general responsibility for one's mistakes and failures. A responsible student should strive to perform the best according the ability that one is accorded to him order her. Responsible students often learn the importance of teachers and parents as their learning partners.
There is a need to be committed to extra-curricular activities. This is because the extra-curricular activities helps one to rest and change focus from academics to sports and other games (Marzano 18). This is important as it helps the mind grow and gives it a deserved rest. I engaged in group discussions that were important in ensuring my academic prosperity. Group discussions help a lot academically as the students are able to interact and, exchange ideas effectively. This exchange of ideas opens up the mind and gives a student different perspectives on the same problem.
An individual should understand the first reason as to why he or she went to college, from there he or she should try to factor in work and personal life into the academic schedule. One should however not neglect any part because they are all of huge importance to the growth of a person. A perfect balance can differ among people, but one should take up a model where he or she feels that one is comfortable.
It is important for one to build relationships with instructors, program advisors and other staff members in the college as these are the key decision makers (Marzano 24). For example, a good relationship with an instructor means that a student might be able to get more information and may be free to ask questions where one does not understand. A good mutual relationship with staff members and program advisers is also important as one can be able to ask for help easily and create a friendly environment for one to thrive.
Having a mentor is important as it will help an individual be accountable and look upon somebody for direction. The mentor should however be chosen in the right way and for the right reasons. A bad mentor can destroy a college student, a better one, on the other hand, can get one to excel in college. In a bid for one to have a full college experience, there is a need for an individual to open up to different suggestions and not to sit back and wait while time passes by. These college experiences are extra-curricular activities and help in ensuring that one rests and when he or she gets to class an optimal activity is achieved. Finally, college is all about living and sometimes making mistakes. It is a part of life where one is allowed to make small mistakes in order to learn from them. Therefore, one should not be too uptight, and one should try to explore different areas of his or her character.
With this information, I tend to follow the guidelines and live a better fulfilling college life.
Marzano, Robert J. A Handbook for Classroom Management That Works. Alexandria, Virg: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2005. Print.
Leadership is an important component of a school's failure and successes. Schools are being held accountable to the highest level of standards, and strong leadership is extremely critical for the school's success. School leadership has always been fascinating to me; it involves achieving common educational aims such as academic success and discipline. There is a need to have a strong school that achieve high levels of pupil achievement and are well run. Accountability in schools should be increased, and this can only be done through effective school leaders that understand dynamism as well as pro-activity (Green, 2011). The school is an institution that keeps on changing and for this reason leaders must be dynamic. Further, pro-activity is also needed in the school environment in that leaders should act to situations and not react to them.
The best schools should have an effective leader or even a group of leaders; these leaders must be multifaceted when they are dealing with other administrators, students, and parents on a daily basis. Giving back is an important thing, teachers often give back to the society by teaching students several crucial subjects. I believe that being an educational leader is important in achieving this giving back process. Therefore, this is the reason as to why I decided to take this MA class in order to be categorized as an educational leader. There is a need to give out knowledge to persons and an educational leader does just that and does it effectively. This paper explores what it takes to be an educational leader and the core competencies needed in this particular field.
I have a passion for being an education leader. In order for one to build an extraordinary management team, there is a need for one to have passion about what one is doing. Passion is of crucial importance when being a leader and without it one cannot be able to do exactly what is best for the students.
One should possess strong communication skills, and this includes efficient communication. The leader should have proper communication skills which make sure that they can be able to understand information relayed from various departments in the company. If there is any misunderstanding in the company, a leader can be able to translate and transfer the information to every member that needs the information.
A leader should always been able to make tough decisions; and they should not compromise on quality and always ensure that they get the best out of every situation that they have. For example, they should strive for success and therefore, not allow overcrowding in schools for monetary gains. A leader should understand that there are times which are difficult and require quick decisions (Green, 2011). This is imperative as there are times when decisions require firmness, authority as well as finality that sometimes might not please anyone. However, a leader should understand that as a leader these are moments that one cannot hesitate but instead ensure that they make the correct decisions.
There are moments where the leaders need not act unilaterally, but instead be able to foster good collaborative decision making. For example, a leader might want to change the curriculum of the school but introducing a new subject such as Art and Craft. However, this decision should be voted in a board and therefore using collaborative decision making. This is an important strength in education as it helps leaders to be able to understand and judge different situations and know when to act.
A leader should possess a very strong sense of empathy, and one should understand that extraordinary leaders praise in public and address all their concerns in private. A leader can be able to lead others through different challenges, and this can in turn help him foster increased teamwork. A leader should never make things personal but instead when he or she encounters problems look for constructive solutions in order to focus on moving forward instead of assigning blame to others. For example, taking a criticism from a teacher negatively which was said in good faith. A leader should always show genuine concern to people even when am in difficult situations. This is crucial as it helps to make sure that they help grow different leaders by encouraging them.
One of the strongest strengths about educational leaders is the fact that they are accountable. They understand that as a leader they should be able to take responsibility for everyone's performance that is including their performance (Green, 2011). For example, the performance of a subject despite it belonging to a specific teacher ultimately falls on the educational leader. Further, as an individual leaders should realize that as a leader they must follow up on all outstanding issues, monitor the effectiveness of different policies and procedures, as well as check in on the employees. One should be a responsible leader, and when thing are going right, they should always make a point of praising the situation. However, when things are going wrong, they should be capable of identifying the situation quickly and seeking solutions in a bid to get things back the way there are supposed to be.
A leader should be s completely honest person and should live by the principal that honesty is indeed the best policy. By being ethical, being honest, and reliable often forms a strong basis of the foundation of success. A leader that embodies these values so overtly that there will be no person that will ever doubt their integrity even for a minute can be described truly as an effective leader. As an honest person, a leader should, usually, share information openly and try as much as possible to avoid spin control.
In a bid to be an efficient and effective leader a leader needs to discover the different elements that exist around him or her and how they can be able to fulfill their maximum potential by this discovery process. The discovery process can be described as the first dimension. This discovery involves the understanding of the weaknesses, strengths, goals and needs that they have as educational leaders. It is through the discovery process that leaders can be able to act and enhance their capacity. The second dimension is the development of key elements in the leadership agenda and cultivates them within the discovery dimension. This, therefore, means that leaders need to develop on their strengths to make sure that one is completely understood. In terms of effectiveness, a leader needs to understand the weaknesses that they possess in order to develop on them in order to become a better leader. This is a crucial dimension as it helps the leaders to develop their strengths in order to become effective educational leaders. It specifies and tries to reduce the weaknesses of the person, and in turn develops goals and strengths to be worked on. It also involves the starting of enhancement objectives as well as concrete hard steps in a bid to be efficient and to establish a successful leadership development program.
The third dimension is delivery. This dimension is often dependent on an acute vision, plan as well as developed work that is promulgated from other previous dimensions. In this dimension, through relevant and clear discoveries that is combined with a developed system of individualized strengths the delivery of both the school's and individuals outcomes can be described as being inevitable (Green, 2011). In this dimension of delivery, there is a need to maintain a clear focus as well as a sense of direction in order to generate the defined and preferred outcomes. The delivery of the set objectives needs careful planning and can be able to achieve because of strong organizational skills. The last dimension can be described as the most important and the most critical. Discipline is as a result of all the other preceding dimensions and it often involves optimal learning as well as leadership development. It is through discipline that learning as well as development can be optimized. When a leader has discipline, there are often fewer challenges and the leader can be able to easily achieve his or her goals. Leaders that have discipline are often the most effective and they in many cases posses proactive tools for decreasing challenges,; these tools include sober judgment this often increases optimal learning and development. Therefore, according to this model, there is a need for a leader to discover his or her strengths and weakness, develop them, and then deliver the goals, and objectives needed. This can only occur if the leader has discipline in him or her.
The school can be described as an organization, because it is an association of people that are bound together in a formal relationship in order to achieve a certain goal collectively. The school has a specific goal to educate students and ensure their success. A school is an organization because there is a need to have an official sanction. Before a school is opened, there are often some certain prescribed conditions that are needed in order for the required needs of the students to be obtained. Further, like any other formal organization, the school has an assigned hierarchy. At the apex of the school is the principal, below him, are several supervisors, teachers and lastly a large body of pupils. The framing of the school's hierarchy is often guided by several rules and codes. This, therefore, shows that indeed a school is an organization (Green, 2011). Firstly, a leader needs to have a clear vision and planning for the school. Without a vision, the school might remain stagnant. The vision often acts as direction and there is a need for a leader to design a clear map which guides all members of the organization to a destination. The vision guides the people in understanding the directions that they are supposed to take in order to fulfill a certain purpose. Therefore, a leader should create a well-organized as well as structured business plan and communicate this business to all members of the staff.
Once the leader has sufficiently established the vision for the school, there is a need to follow up the strategy with planning decision. For instance, in this case the goal might be to increase the performance of the students in mathematics. This can be done such as imposing classes after school and creating an incentive system to ensure that the plan is achieved. The leader when he or she views the school as an organization can be able to unify his approach on how best to achieve the goals and objectives set out. Viewing the school as an organization leads to increased respect and the streamlining of the existing hierarchies. Further, when an educational leader views the school is an organization. He or she can be able to encourage self-reliance in the school. Teamwork is often extremely valuable; however, individual productivity is just as important. Each staff member of the school, whether a teacher or administrator should be able to contribute a special skill or even an ability that helps the school to reach its overall objectives. Self-reliance can further be rewarded through the rewarding of staff innovation as well as praising effort of the teachers and administrators who improve and contribute more towards the achievement of the school's objectives.
Effective communication is a skill that every educational leader must possess. Communication can be described as a basic tool that is used in motivation. In the school scenario, motivation is extremely important in order to improve and increase the morale of the teachers and other administrators in the school (Green, 2011). Faulty or even inappropriate communication can be a cause of major conflict and even low morale. Therefore, with effective communication the educational leader can be able to clarify lucidly what needs to be done, how well the teachers are doing and what can be done extra in order to better the existing performance. Further, with good communication skills, the educational leader can be able to maintain a good human relation in the school by encouraging suggestions and ideas from other administrators in the school. This creates good blood and also increases the production at an extremely low cost.
The school is a dynamic institution which keeps on evolving; there are bound to be conflicts and need for change in order to progress in the future. The best management style to tackle this type of obstacles will be transaction and servant leadership. Servant leadership begins with a natural feeling within the leader that he or she wants to serve first. In this case, In this case one should be dedicated to serving the institution that is the school. Leaders need to ensure that each and every of their decision and choices are in the best interest of the school. Further, I will also focus primarily on the growth as well as the well-being of employees in the school. In order to solve conflicts, I will ensure that I take an impartial stand with the best interest of the school at heart. As a servant leader, I must share power amongst the other existing administrators. There is a need to put the needs of other first in order to help them develop as well as perform as highly as their potential can allow them.
As a transactional leader, a leader should will try hard to create well defined clear structures where would be clear to all the employees what is required of them as well as the prizes that they will get for following the different orders. Although punishments will not be mentioned, the leader will make employees in the school understand them and that there are formal systems of discipline that are set in place to ensure that rules and codes are followed to the letter.
After understanding that the school is an organization, one should go ahead and ensure that they put up effective strategies in order to increase the performance of the students and employees in the school. One should try and achieve this by establishing an effective system of incentives for both the students and the employees. A person's strong organizational skills will come in handy as they will be able to communicate to the employees and students what the leader expects of them and where they are going wrong. Further, by discovering their strengths and weaknesses, the leader will be able to understand how they can effectively maximize strengths and also try to increase their weaknesses so that they cannot affect their performance. By using servant leadership, a leader will be able to serve all the employees in the school, the students and the school itself. Further, by the use of transactional leadership the leader will also establish a reward and punishment system which will help increase the general performance of the school.
In conclusion, the school is an organization and it should be treated as such. There is a need to understand the different basics of leadership in order to be an efficient educational leader. In order for one to succeed as an educational leader there is a need for the person to have strong organizational skills which will in turn help one in maximizing their strengths and performing the educational leadership job optimally.
Green, R. (2011). Practicing the art of leadership. New York: The Allyn& Bacon Educational Leadership Series.
Multicultural education is an emerging field of study that is aimed at the creation of equal educational opportunities for students from different ethnic, racial, cultural and social-class groups. One of the key goals of the discipline is to ensure that all students can acquire knowledge and skills that can help them function effectively in a democratic society containing people of different races, ethnic and cultural backgrounds ((Au, 2009, p. 19). The students should also acquire skills necessary for interaction, communication and negotiation with other people, creating a moral and civic society for the benefit of all. Multicultural education draws content, theories, paradigms and concepts from specialized fields like women studies and ethnic studies. It also incorporates concepts and concepts from other established disciplines. However, despite the efforts of trying to offer multicultural education, there are a number of challenges the discipline faces.
In this research paper, the issue being discussed is the white privilege, which continues to be a challenge to multicultural education. The reason for the selection of this topic is to emphasize that; there is still a challenge whereby white students receive more privileges compared to students of other races and ethnic communities. This is despite the measures of multicultural education being rooted for by the larger population. The target population of the research is high school students. At the end of the research, the following questions should be answered. One, how effective is multiracial education to the students? How common are cases of white students being privileged over the other students? What role does the society play in the issue of white students receiving more privileges compared to other students? Finally, what role does a teacher have in ensuring that all the students are treated equally?
Review of Research
What are the goals of multicultural education? The main goal of multicultural education is creating a safe, comfortable and successful learning environment for all. Therefore, for this to happen successfully, all the different racial, ethnic and cultural groups need to be equally involved in class. Multicultural education also seeks to increase the awareness of global issues and strengthen the cultural consciousness of the students. Therefore, the instructors need to ensure that the students are aware of emerging global issues and their relevance to their education. The students should also be taught about the cultures of different communities in order to allow one to accept others and not view them as different (Salili, 2001, p. 69). Students are also made aware of the multiple historical perspectives, which differ from one community to another. Therefore, the children can easily identify with the differences in the various ethnic and racial groups and understand each other better. Students are also taught on the significance of critical thinking as well as preventing discrimination and prejudice.
Therefore, with such knowledge students should leave school with a common understanding that; despite the differences in color, ethnic or cultural communities, we are all equal. With such knowledge, the students can join the business world and other professionals with a positive attitude. The students through multicultural education can learn to respect each other’s decisions despite the differences in color. Cases of prejudice and discrimination are also reduced since the students have been taught to respect each other. Also, the issue of one race getting privileges more compared to others can be abolished since the students understand they have equal rights. Therefore, when one of them is being mistreated, the rest can stand up for them and defend them. The students can also develop a positive image of themselves and their fellow students despite the color differences. The students also learn how to critique the society in search of social justice. Another advantage is that the students receive equal educational opportunities without discrimination on the lines of race, ethnicity or cultural background.
According to most educators, multicultural education is treated as a forum whereby students are taught about Latinos, Blacks, Asians, Native Americans and other people of color. A look at the lessons in multicultural education reveals that the lessons include information about the history, politics and culture of the groups mentioned above. The lessons may at sometimes go deeper and handle the history of activists and social activism for students of color. White privilege can be defined as a parcel of unearned assets, which white students can credit for receiving every day (Au, 2009, p. 37). It is also known as an invisible package of weightless special provisions given only to whites. White privilege contains all the advantages that white students receive based on the skin color alone. In most cases, most white students are never aware of the package of privileges their skin entitles them to receive. Therefore, white students cannot identify with the daily burdens that students of other color have to endure daily.
History proves that white students have always had the upper hand advantage compared to other students of color. Racial discrimination was a serious issue in the last century and education was among the most affected sectors. White students were offered their schools with white teachers and white workers only. In such institutions, it was very hard to see any black man working there. In some nations, the apartheid was so serious that even white people could not use the same lavatories as black people. The whites were given the privilege of being awarded the best schools, best housing facilities, best services while the blacks were left to scramble in order to benefit from the poor facilities they were given. In America, historically, the whites have always had the power in their hands. The whites made all the important decisions of the nation despite the nation having many citizens of different races and ethnic backgrounds.
Whites have also had greater access to power, money, social networks, property and education compared to other groups (Salili, 2001, p. 110). A looks at the privileges and norms that are in use in most high school facilities and even working places, show that whites are awarded the privilege. Cultural expressions by other people of color including hair styles to dressing styles are either prohibited or only given a little allowance. Such factors show that indeed the issue of white supremacy is real and still has strong roots in the society today. In History, any advances made by people of color had to pass under the scrutiny of the white. For example, if people of color made any political gains, then the elite whites ensured that the advantages of the whites were maintained. Multicultural education also reflects white privilege in a great way. The focus of multicultural education is on Latinos, Blacks, Native Americans, and Asians while whites are left out. This is one of the failures of multicultural education and what leads to the progress of white privilege.
For multicultural education to be effective, there should be the consideration of inclusion of white culture in learning. One of the reasons of the prevalence of white privilege in high schools is that; whites due to a multicultural perspective, they are referred to as the “mainstream Americans’ by default. This is very wrong since the known Native Americans are the Red Indians, and, therefore, this assumption should be done with. Despite the content of multicultural education focusing on people of color, whites attain a certain privileged status that other groups do not have (Sleeter, 2005, p. 80). With this kind of judgment, whites are used as a standard test for the other people of color with which they can be judged. Such privileges put whites ahead making it seem like they are supreme to all other races. Whites should be treated just like all other races without discrimination or offering them undeserving privileges.
The culture, history and politics of white should be taught alongside that of Native Americans, Asians, Latinos, and Blacks. The goal of multicultural education is to offer the students with diverse information about all ethnic, racial and cultural groups. However, when multicultural education fails to teach about the culture of whites, then it portrays that it is a superior group. Therefore, multicultural education should provide information to the students on white privilege and factors that highlight the issue. The white students should be made aware of the privileges there are entitled to unfairly. Such knowledge can convince the students to fight to be treated equally just like other races, and not be awarded unfair privileges. The students of color also need to relate to the issue of white privilege, and, therefore, create a drive in the society needed to bring social change.
The issue of multicultural education needs to be handled in a better way to ensure that the students effectively learn about the culture, history and politics of other communities. The one major mistake that multicultural education has done is treating white culture as a superior culture. Just like any other culture, the students should be allowed to study the culture, history and politics of the whites. The curriculum focusing on the whites can be referred to as ‘Eurocentric’ in the same way the curriculum focusing on the black is referred to as ‘Afrocentric’. A lot can be learned from the culture of the whites and can be or great relevance to other cultures (Banks, 2010, p. 236). The students also need to be taught on white privilege and in what ways the community or society proves this fact. The majority of the white students receive the privileges on a daily basis but are not aware that other people of culture do not receive the same treatment.
One of the cases of white privilege is when high school students are followed into the store by a police officer. Most people of color especially Blacks and Asians are constantly followed by police officers into stores. This happens in very many cases especially if the individual looks suspicious and is keen to look back and see who is watching him or her. It is true such signs can reveal that the students is about to do something crazy or stupid, or both, and, therefore, the police officers have the right to follow them into the store. However, if a white student portrayed the same behavior, no police officer would even bother to follow them or stop them. This proves that whites are given the benefit of the doubt, which excludes them from committing some behavior based on their skin. Whites are not also questioned on their national loyalty or to speak for their race.
Therefore, white students may think that such things are just common if they are not fully informed. The curriculum should ensure that such issues are tackled to ensure that white students can understand the reason they receive such privileges. If enough awareness is raised, then the white students can even protest and plea for the other students of color to receive similar treatments. The society, however remains behind in playing the part of multicultural education (Sleeter, 2005, p. 146). The privileges awarded to the whites are usually done so by the community. Therefore, the theme of multicultural education is as relevant to the students as it can be to the community. If the community can understand the meaning of multicultural education, then all races can be treated equally. The teachers play a significant role in ensuring that they teach the curriculum on multiracial education. Despite for a few challenges, multiracial education is very significant to the students.
Implication for teachers
Teachers also have a duty to play in order to make multicultural education successful that it currently is. One of the changes that should be implemented to the curriculum is to ensure that the information being offered is accurate and complete. Provision of inaccurate information may cause the students to have wrong perceptions about a certain group based on the information they received. Multicultural education also needs to focus on issues of significance that are left out in most historical books. History books have a habit of leaving out some information that the author views as irrelevant. Therefore, in such cases, the teachers should ensure that if the information left out is significant then the students should be informed. The major focus of the curriculum is issues that are happening in the North American and Europe.
Little information is taught about the occurrences of issues in Africa like the Rwandan Genocide and the mass killing of citizens in Darfur and Congo (Banks, 2010, p. 249). Therefore, the teachers have the duty of ensuring that the information that the students receive is current. Teachers need to consider the offering of multicultural education as a school-wide approach that has not only the reconstruction of the curriculum, but institutional and organizational policy. The staff offering multicultural education needs to be equipped, diverse, and culturally competent. The teachers must be aware of the different cultures and willing to address the issue of controversy. The issues that the teachers highlight should not be limited to racism, ethnicity, religion, sexism, and intolerance.
The research reveals all the information that is contained in the curriculum of multicultural education. From the research, I learned that the white culture is not studies like all other cultures. Therefore, this makes the white culture seem superior compared to the other cultures of people of color. It is sad that at this century, there is still discrimination of one culture while the other are treated equally. At this point in the world and with the awareness on discrimination, there should be nothing like white privilege. We are human beings despite our different skin color; therefore, the difference in our skin color should not mean that others should receive privileges denied to others. The society should be challenged to treat all people the same despite the differences in their skin color.
Au, W. (2009). Rethinking multicultural education: Teaching for racial and cultural justice.
Banks, J. A., & Banks, C. A. M. G. (2010). Multicultural education: Issues and perspectives. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.
Salili, F., & Hoosain, R. (2001). Multicultural education: Issues, policies, and practices. Greenwich, Conn: Information Age Pub.
Sleeter, C. E. (2005). Un-standardizing curriculum: Multicultural teaching in the standards-based classroom. New York: Teachers college press.
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