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Opening statement
a) Current situation analysis
3D printing is the new frontier in management whereby the manufacturing sector is going undergoing changes. The technology has affected all sectors of production and it is changing the normal way of doing things. The technology allows companies to come up with new methods of production that are both cheaper and customizable (Anderson & Sherman, 2007). Advanced 3D printing systems is used to make house or print functional organs. Positioning of the world-manufacturing sector has always learnt towards the mass customization and economies of scale. However, 3D printers enable the manufacturers to come up with unique products at a higher unit cost but little marketing and shipping costs (Jin, 2011). Possibilities that the technology avails to the manufacturing sector, medicine, architecture and construction industries have led to the shifting of focus from the movement of all the production workshops to china to disperse but efficient homemade factories (Jin, 2011). The technology is provided by few companies and its uptake is limited. The fact that most of the people are not aware of the technology means that there is a mass market for the production system. The companies that will make the first move stand to gain significantly.
b) Explanation of basic idea to be marketed
3D marketing is a novice technology to some of the people but it has been around for some time. The technology enables the user to come up with 3 dimensional products from different masses. The technology is revolutionary in that a real 3D object is created from different materials. A design of a product to be printed can be made using specialized software. The printers have wide applications in numerous sectors. This technology is different from the common printing since it requires unique base that is integrated into the final product.
The unique aspect of the technology comes from the fact that one can print different products using a single printer as long as the base is different. As a result, the utility derived from the printing technology is increased. Different and customized designs can be made using the software since most of the printers come with versatile applications such that they can be used in different printers. The printers range in size. Specialized printers are also available (Jin, 2011). The promise presented by the technology is so revolutionary such that the potential presented is extensive. The printers will depend on the demand and customer specifications. The products, therefore, will therefore, provide the user with the highest level of flexibility.
2.Market place
a) Overview
The technology of additive manufacturing was first introduced by Charles Hull in 1984. Therefore, the technology has been in the market place for the past 30 years. However, the long time that the technology has had in the market has not translated into massive adoption. The market for the technology is still nascent. The market displays low market share concentration despite the expected (Wang, 2011). However, changes in the market such as the technological developments and new software development prospects have led to the rapid development in the industry. The changes have led to the speeding up of the growth of the industry. The hyped nature of the market and potentials that it presents has also led to the rapid rise in the number of software developers, software and service providers. The wide applications of the product have led to the massive adoption of the technology. New ways of using the technology has led to the adoption of the technology.
b) Forecast Analysis
The future of 3D technology is in the adoption of the technology on a high scale. Currently, only specialized manufacturers use the technology. A small portion of enthusiasts also uses the technology for recreation purpose. With the hype and future of the technology, there are new options that lead to the increased use of the technology (Jin, 2011). All users will eventually consume products that are partly or wholly made using the technology. In the next five years, the 3D technology sector in the United States will be worth $1.5 billion. The potential presented by the technology is so immense such that it is almost impossible to map out how the outlook of the market will be.
The technology will be distributed such that there will be no homogeneity in the market. Different types of businesses will be made in the market such that the return on investment will depend on the company division (Wang, 2011). Some of the company divisions or entire businesses that will evolve from the technology. Some of the businesses that will emerge from the technological advancements include; design of the 3-dimensional objects that are to be designed and printed, it will place more emphasis on the service manufacturing, increase in 3D manufacturing industries in the homes and subsistence manufacturing. The markets mentioned above will interrelate and will demand adequate supply of 3D materials.
c) Risks
The investment is demanding in that it requires that the initial production system is aligned to the needs of the market (Anderson & Sherman, 2007). Creation of the right product to match up the needs of the market and rival the more established production systems will also be a challenge for the upcoming producers. Resistance of the users to change could affect the business since most of the people will search for products that are more conventional. Additionally, people place more value to the traditional products since they are trusted and reliable. The fact that they are receiving the desired utility from traditionally made products gives them less incentive to look for the alternative products.
There is also a limited scope of the products that can be made using the technology since some of the materials used are not available in most of the countries. The range of materials used is also limited with the majority of the printing materials being plastic based (Anderson & Sherman, 2007). There can only be so much that is produced using the system. There is a low risk of adoption given that the production process is relatively slow compared to the traditional manufacturing process. There is a litigation risk given the high rate of adoption for the technology and lack of a cellar mechanism for the development of the machines. There is no way of deciding the responsible party in the event that the technology leads to the development of substandard products. The technology is also affected by the some regional factors such as the temperature and atmospheric conditions. These aspects affect the actual output from the printing process in the real word.
d) Timing
The market is warming up to the new technology with the hype that it is receiving. There a market clamor to produce a product that meets the customer needs. The desire to produce unique products in the age is the best time for the production and sale of the 3D marketing. The business process is inclined towards the development of unique products that meet the specifications of the users (Anderson & Sherman, 2007). The businesses are also looking at ways of producing a new product using the least cost of production possible. To meet the needs, the market has been engrossed in creation of new production systems for each product. The short product cycle has led to almost impossible cost recovery chances. As a result, the organizations have been forced to price their product highly such that it has been a burden for the producers. The printers will solve the issue hence they are gaining popularity in the market when they are needed the most.
3D printing sector has received minimum regulations since its inception. There are no explicit riles stating what is expected how the producers and users can make a product without breaching the laws stated by the government. Additionally, lack of a regulation on the products that can be used and the items that can be designed has led to the development of models that could be patented in the other instances. In this case, the government has been forced to watch the production of the models without doing anything since most of the models are made in the homes by the individual modelling enthusiasts (Wang, 2011). As a result, there are many gray areas in the use of the products and technology since issues of intellectual property are affected. The technology has led to the development of product that are inhibitive to the creativity of the generic product since the models are designed to fit into the common products. Failure to acknowledge and adhere to the laws works against the rule of law.
The business environment is conducive for the development of the technology. Contrary to the previous business environment, the technology has received massive reception in the world leading to new uses of the technology. The potential of the business has led to the assumption that the business is more useful now than in the previous times. In order for the business model to create the desired outcome there has been diversification of the application and the rapid innovations have led to the development of the perception that the technology will lead to the creation of a unique and useful product.
The hype and has allowed the producers to diversify their printers such that they can produce the spare parts in the home or can lead to the development of the business model that creates the needed product at the point of need. Other uses of the technology have led to the perception among the business community that it is a new way of doing things that will affect the development of the industry. The massive usage has also resulted in the notion that the production technology will usher in the new industrial age whereby the focus will no longer be on the massive customization (Anderson & Sherman, 2007). There are also new uses that threatened to change the business techniques applied in the major production system in the world. Use of the technology has led to the major success of the companies that have highly specialized production systems. Therefore, the system is full of promises of the improvements that it can cause in the production of new items.
The technology has led to social issues touching on different aspects in the society. There is an issue of the ethics whereby the technology has been posited as attempts to play god in some instances more so when the businesses that use the technology are in the medical field. The attempt to create a kidney from a mass of culture cells has been deemed more of a defiance of natural way such that the people will have enough technology to come up with the new organs. At the same time, the technology has resulted in massive adoption whereby the business people have defined the common ethics of the production system. Ethics of the business have been greatly questioned more so with the possibility of printing plastic guns with the same lethal effects with the common metallic guns.
Issues of security have also arise with the majority of the people concerned with the value of the technology when it can replicate the notes used in the market such that there is no value in the money when people can print their money to look almost identical to the common money issued in the market. On the positive side, the technology has revolutionized the aspect of fashion with every designer now capable of developing his own unique design. In fact, the technology has replaced the traditional designer with the customer since the customer can use the design software to reflect his or her wildest imaginations in terms of design. Eventually, the production system has been used to create new fashionable products. The technology also promises improved standards of living with matter such as health and housing prone to undergo massive changes due to the technology. The possibilities that the technology brings to the people are so high even though they are both contribution and disruptive to the society’s way of living.
The technology for the 3D printing has undergone numerous changes such that there are more uses of the technology now than in the past. Previously, the technology for the production of the three dimensional products had limited uses. It was even taunted to be futuristic and a product of the science fiction movies. However, with the development of the model, there are numerous and unique uses of the technology that have led to the creation of a lot of promise for the users. The technology has evolved such that it can be used in numerous contexts such that it is no longer an issue adopted by the enthusiasts or large organizations.
Smaller homemade devices have been developed to deal with the issues of the context of production such that the new era of production is no longer poised on the mass and established companies, the development process can also take place in the home. This aspect has led to the question of whether the technology is leading to development of new products or that it is a matter of improvement of the production system to reinstate the cottage industries (Wang, 2011). The technology has also resulted in the development of more instances of production competence creation such that the future of the production has shifted to the customization of the product. Unique designs can be created and made using the printers. Some of the printers are fast and more effective than others. However, the costs of a product have shifted over the years such that there is an easier way of producing products. The technology has led to the development of better business models that have more promise than the conventional production systems.
Company profile
Excel printers has been in the business for over two decade selling the common type of printers. The generic printers have proven to be profitable for the company since it has been able to sell new printers to the majority of the people. The company is privately owned leading to the creation of new production system that focuses on the creation of the unique customer experience. The mission of the company is to create the best value possible leading to the development of new items such that the unique need set presented by the customers will be addressed fully.
The company shifted to include the revolutionary 3D technology that has led to the development of new focus on manufacturing. The technology is unique and more promising. Additionally, there are many competitors in the supply of the generic two-dimensional printers such that there is no way of ensuring that the market grows further. The market for the generic printers is slumping hence the need to create new markets or focus on the introduction of new technology to address the shortcoming of the traditional printer market. The company selected the 3D technology as the next frontier on which it will develop.
Due to the focus on the creation of parts at home, the company has re positioned itself such that it is looking at the complete elimination of the traditional printers and replacing them with the 3D printers. Effectively, the company will attain the desired growth in the market and increase the chances of growth. It also aims at being the first mover in this technology in the various parts of the world. The first mover advantage will enable the company attain a sustained growth rate.
To provide customer value in all that we do by providing highest quality printers and printing technology to all the customers across the world.
To be the best printer supplying company in the world
Integrity; the company focuses on delivering what it promises and promising what it can deliver.
Transparency; the company seeks to provide the customer with the new products that are capable of delivering. It also seeks to provide the customer with the correct and timely information about a technology.
Respect of people: the company is built on the premise that the best outcome in the organization has to be attained if there is massive respect of the people involved in the creation of new products. The principle informs the supply management principles whereby the suppliers and other stakeholders in the value chain are important strategic partners
Social responsibility; the company seeks to become the best corporate citizen in the industry. It will attain this by ensuring that it complies with the rules created by the government and any other industrial regulators.
Cost leadership; the company focuses on being the leader in terms of cost by producing unique product that meet the requirements of the market. It also focuses on the development of innovative supply chain technologies that will eliminate the need for buffering up the inventory by the implementation of the JIT management philosophy.
Customer focus; the company believes that the customer is the core of the business operation. To indicate the commitment to the customer, it has developed new ways of doing business that are meant to create the most value for the client. As a result, the business has been able to develop new product that are focused on the creation of the most value for the clientele. It has also focused on customer relation system that will a succinctly address the issues facing the customer and provide them with the highest value possible.
Teamwork: the company believes in the philosophy of working in team. Each member of the company is a team member and he has to contribute to the overall effectiveness of the team. This focus also promises the company more development chances with each score card for the team acting as a cascade from the top management. Teams eventually contribute to the final corporate strategy.
Target customer analysis
The company is targeting the global customer with the focus being the American and European markets. The company will be the liaison between the producing companies and the users of the product with the main effect being the creation of the best relationship. The supply chain for the products will be shorts for the company hence the need to come up with optimal supply chain management strategies. The consumers that it is targeting include the small-scale retailers and enthusiasts. Another set of consumers that the company is targeting is the large-scale production companies that will demand the creation of new production systems that are unique and effective in the development of other products. This group of customers will require unique strategies that are tweaked to fit their immediate needs. It will also demand more interaction between the supplier and the customer. The company will be playing the liaison role in this case.
This customer target group is composed of the users of the technology for the common use. The everyday use of the technology will be used for leisure and exploration. The enthusiasts will compose the majority of the direct sales since they require small and compact machines. Providing them with the desired machine type and quality will be the focus. The cost of the printers availed for the customers will be determined by the immediate needs presented by the customer group.
Home manufactures
This is the second target group. It is also composed of the enthusiasts of the technology. However, the goal of the production is no longer on the discovery of new ways. Some of the products that the customers will be making are effective and meant for sale or home use. This target group will be slightly smaller than the enthusiasts will since the effective printers for the work will be more expensive and slightly bigger than the ones demanded by the enthusiasts.
Specialized manufacturing companies
The companies will need uniquely designed printers for the development of the products. The printers are likely to the specially developed for their goal hence the special nature of the products made using the technology. The specialized production companies will also demand more maintenance of the system therefore; they will be more strategic partners. The company will provide them with the products as well as the after sale services as arranged.
The company will be supplying the retail and wholesale markets. Retail market is divided into traditional over the counter retail and the online market. Online markets will allow a customer select the product that he wants. It will also allow the organization come up with internally processed data for forecasting demand in the traditional markets. Online customers will be charged the same price with the traditional over the counter customers in order to avoid shifting of demand from the retailers. It will also reduce the conflict between the organization and its retailers.
The current market trend indicates that the main buyers for the products are the enthusiasts and home based users. There has been a difficulty in the uptake of the technology by the large-scale producers except for the highly specialized firms. Therefore, the main source of the direction and investment from the organization is the enthusiast followed by the small-scale buyers. The enthusiasts comprise the largest portion since they are driven by the need to discover and not the need to produce something.
The machines used by the enthusiasts are also cheaper and affordable. Home based users are the second in ranking. They are focused on the production of items that they can use such as parts to their appliances. In some instances, they also produce the parts for other production processes. The last customer group is the large scale specialized users. These users are few since they require specialized attention in the design of the printers. There is also a need to come up with new production systems that create value to the final users. The specialized nature of the highly specialized users has led to slow development. The bulk of the printers also require storage space. It is expensive to buy the printer with the view of stocking them.
The outlook in the 3D printing arena will not change over the years. However, in the short run the outlook will be relatively constant. Real changes will start being witnessed after the market has embraced the technology and the technology is no longer an issue of science fiction. The use of the technology will be aligned along the model mentioned above. Influencers of the change will be the constant hype of the technology in the market, the increased uses of the product and massive acceptance of the technology among the big industry sectors. The demand for the design software and auxiliary services for the technology will grow proportionally with the acceptance of the technology in the market.
ii. Long
The future of the printing technology is in the large-scale production systems. The developments in the technology used in this sector threaten to topple the trend leading to the main demand of the printers shifting from the users to the producers. The major manufacturing companies are focusing on the change from the traditional production system to the new three-dimensional based production. The majority of the production systems will depend on the new technology. The three-dimensional production system promises to increase the value of the production. It also promises the rapid improvement of the manufacturing system. Due to this focus, the company will shift its focus in the past from the supply of the smaller printer to large and specialized software. It will also focus on the production and supply of software for the development of new products that are more focused towards the creation of new production systems that will meet the needs of the manufacturing organizations.
Competitor analysis
Few companies in the industry have managed to make a name for themselves. Fewer companies are listed as public companies. Some of the listed companies are the market leaders.
1.3 D systems
3D systems is the leading company in the technology. It has a high investment in the market given that it has a first mover advantage. It stock is highly priced ranging at over $30 per share. The company has an experience that it draws on. It is also one of the innovators in the industry.
2. Stratasys
The company is the second ranking in the field. It is focused on the production and supply of the printers. The company has a strategic alliance with Object making it the leader in the market even surpassing 3D systems. Its revenue size is bound to increase with the strategic alliance. The narrow focus of the company leaves a supply opportunity to companies that are currently growing.
3. Proto Labs
This is the third ranking company dealing in the technology. It focuses on the rapid manufacturing of new printers. It also manufactures parts for the printers that run on the nanotechnology platform. The company has attained high growth rates over the years leading to the development of a market sustainability. The focused production that the company engages in has enabled it attain high growth and consistent performance with a constant growth rate in the profitability (Sandhusen, 2000). All companies are in the innovator class. They develop the products but do not have the distribution network to avail the printers in the market.
Market share
Stratasys is the leading company in the market with the market share of 57%. The company has been able to control the market due to the rapid rise in demand for its products. It is also poised on being the largest producer of the desktop printers that will serve the markets of the 3D design enthusiasts. It is also focused on the organic growth.
3D systems were founded by Charles hull who is thought to be the inventor of the 3D printing technology. It has close to 30 years in the market. However, its dominance was disrupted by the merger between Stratasys and Objet. The company currently occupies 18% of the total market share in the 3D printing technology.
Life cycle elements
3D systems is assumed to be at the mature stage since it was the first company to come up with the technology. Its first mover advantage, however, can be rivaled by the new companies. Therefore, the company has to ensure that it comes up with strategies of expanding to deal with the new companies that are threatening its legacy. Despite the first mover advantage enjoyed by the company, the industry is yet to attain its maturity. Therefore, the company will grow along the increased acceptance of the company in the market. The other companies are younger and are affected by the technologies that are constantly under development. Therefore, the companies will still experience growth with the rapid acceptance of the technology in the market place.
Strategies to overcome
1. Strategic alliance
The companies are not concerned with the production and supply of the printers. This is a chance for the 888 company to come up with new strategy meant to ally itself with the producers. The fact that the technology for the printers will be daunting to develop. The company it better placed as a strategic distributor for the market leaders.
2. Exploring new market
Various markets are yet to be explored. These markets are in the third world countries and middle level economies. Asian and African countries could be new markets for the printers. The company ought to focus on the absolute supply in these countries. Providing the people in these countries with the new technology will eventually lead to the development of competitive advantage over the companies that are focused on the production or sale of the printers in the developed countries.
3. Diversification
The company can diversify its production system to focus on the development of the materials for the printers and not the actual printer making and design. It could also focus on the software development to cater for the users of the printers.
4. Online sales
The company can attain the expected market presence by focusing on the development of new sales platform that will allow it to transcend the boundaries. This can be attained by looking at the international market. It will also facilitate the process of monitoring growth of the company.
The company will be focusing on the sale of printers across the world. It will also develop the software for the design of the products. Sales will be conducted using the online and retail platforms.
i. Industry of related products
There are independent distributors of the printers all over the world. They often stock different printers from numerous suppliers. They also offer support service but do not develop the design software. Major producers will supply the printers to be sold all over the world.
ii. Product form related
Various companies supply the service. They often supply different printers and do not offer the direct design services. The software for the design comes from the producers. Improvements have to be done independently (Berkowitz & Berkowitz, 1992).
iii. Brand related
The company will provide top brands in the market only. It will supply the printers made by the aforementioned companies.
Boston matrix
The company has four products. It will focus on the supply of the printers, software, materials and servicing. The servicing is the dog and it could be recommended for dropping. The material supply is the problem child. It has to be improved and converted into a star (Winer, 2004). Supply of printers is the cash cow. It is the source of funds that are used to fund the stars. It is the main source of revenue for the company. The star is the software development. It has enough production capability to produce high value output. It should be converted into a cash cow.
8. Place
strong> Geographic analysis
The company will supply Europe and America using retail store. It will play the wholesale role in these places since there are enough retailers dealing with the supply of the technology. The rest of the areas in the world will be supplied using the online purchasing. Adequate transport and communication network will be needed in all the areas. The shipping costs in online buying will be absorbed by the client (Winer, 2004).
Logistics analysis
The company will focus on the development of supply using the normal shipping. Urgency will dictate the channel of delivery used. In the event that there is no urgency, the company will ship the products using the waterways (Sheehan, 2011).
Inventory analysis
The company will not desire holding onto much of the inventory. It will use just in time management philosophy to ensure that the suppliers provide the printers and materials when there is an order (Sandhusen, 2000). A Kanban system will be used as a trigger for orders.
Channel partners
The company will collaborate with the logistic companies to deliver the printers and materials. The main logistic partner will be DHL. The company will handle the distribution channel in Europe and America using the same logistics company.
9. Promotion
Stranger than fiction
The promotion budget will be 25% of the total revenue generated. The promotion will use expense of $8 million. These expenses will be used to pay models, television networks and sales people (Kotler, 2000).
The company will design the promotion campaign to mirror the uniqueness and versatility of the product. The company will ensure that it focuses on the creation of awareness on the possibilities that the technology brings to all users (Sheehan, 2011). The results for the campaign will be assessed using the balanced score card model. The extent of the attainment of the four perspectives will be used to assess if a strategy was effective or not.
Public relations strategy
The company will not engage in any public relations strategy since it is at the inception stages. However, the need to use the strategy will be arrived at using the ad hoc approach.
Promotional activities
The company will use the customer relations marketing strategy. This strategy is effective given the nature of the product and the stage of development in which the industry is at (Kotler, 2000).
1. Website
The company will use its website as the primary promotions strategy. The selection of the website is influenced by factors such as costs of advertising and the ease of management. It will also meet the needs of the market since it will reach out to the target market solely (Kotler, 2000).
2. Print
The company will use the print media to advertise. It will develop the adverts for each of the products (Cant, 2006). In print media, the company will use the brochures only.
The company will position itself by offering the products at a slightly lower price. This strategy will enable the company to develop a market base (Pride & Ferrell, 2008). However, it will level up the price with the rest of the players (Cant, 2006).
11. Objectives
The company aims at providing varied, high quality and versatile printers and materials to its market. It focuses on the creation of the best value to all the customers (Kotler, 2000).
The company focuses on the customer and the ways that it can improve the value creation. The only strategy that will be used is customer relationship management with the aim of creating long-term relationships with the clientele (Kotler & Armstrong, 1991).
The company aims at attaining global presence using the online and physical distribution channels.
The company aims at implementing the respect of people principle, which will lead to the development of lasting human resource all over the world. The company will treat all people equally (Blythe, 2006). It will also focus on the social responsibility that it has (Kotler & Armstrong, 1991).
The company will endeavor to streamline its processes such that there will be efficiency and effectiveness in the service delivery (Winer, 2004).
12. Financials
The company will incur purchasing costs such that it will be capable of developing the network. Fixed costs will be $1000000 p.a. the fixed costs will include the rent and fixed salaries. The variable costs will be $500000 for the sale commissions, wages and distribution of the goods. The fixed costs will be $1000 per unit and variable costs will be $500 per unit.
The company aims at selling 1000 units at $10000. Therefore, the sales revenue will be $10M.
The company aims at selling 1000 units in the first year.
Breakeven point
The company will breakeven at 150 units.
The company is projected to make profits of x<=8.5 million per year.
13. Time line
The tactics will be implemented and evaluated annually. The changes will be implemented if needed in order to come up with the desired outcome.
Strategies will be implemented over a period of 3 years. The analysis of the strategy will be conducted continually using the attainment of the tactics as the main basis.
Anderson, P., & Sherman, C. (2007). A discussion of new business models for 3D printing. International Journal Of Technology Marketing, 2(3), 280. doi:10.1504/ijtmkt.2007.015205
Berkowitz, E., & Berkowitz, E. (1992). Marketing. Homewood, IL: Irwin.
Blythe, J. (2006). Marketing. London: SAGE Publications.
Cant, M. (2006). Marketing management. Cape Town, South Africa: Juta.
Jin, S. (2011). The impact of 3d virtual haptics in marketing. Psychology And Marketing, 28(3), 240-255.
Kotler, P. (2000). Marketing management. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall.
Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (1991). Principles of marketing. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall.
Pride, W., & Ferrell, O. (2008). Marketing. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.
Sandhusen, R. (2000). Marketing. Hauppauge, N.Y.: Barron's.
Sheehan, B. (2011). Marketing management. Lausanne, Switzerland: AVA Pub.
Wang, S. (2011). Applying a 3D situational virtual learning environment to the real world business-an extended research in marketing. British Journal Of Educational Technology, 43(3), 411-427.
Winer, R. (2004). Marketing management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Sanyo Aqua Corporation is a company that manufactures commercial and domestic appliances for washing. This company is located at Moriguchi city in Japan. The company has various branches in different parts of the world including Africa. In the past few years, the company has been manufacturing different appliances aiming at having a widespread market. Some of the products manufactured by the company include; Eneloop batteries (rechargeable batteries that don not have a limit in the number of times they are charged), Enegreen (an innovative way introduced by the company in reducing electricity consumption in home appliances such as refrigerators and air conditioners), virus washer (which is an air-cleaner home appliance that eliminates airborne viruses) and lastly aqua (a washing machine that reduces the usage of water during the cleaning process). The paper will focus on the marketing plan of the Sanyo Aqua Company (Hall, 2006).
As stated earlier, Sanyo Aqua is one of the products of Sanyo Corporation. It is Sanyo’s new washing machine that cleans clothes without water. The appliance works by converting oxygen present in the air into ozone. In the appliance, there is an ozone creation device that sprays the ozone created to the dirty clothes inside the drum. Since ozone is a high oxidizing agent, it destroys and dissembles the walls of bacteria present in the dirt clothes (Hall, 2006). This plays a crucial role in eliminating dirt, odor and as well bacteria in the dirty clothes. The company’s aim while manufacturing the appliance was removing the bad smell (odor) present in dirty clothes.
Following the ability of ozone present in the cleaning appliance to remove the odor in the clothes present in the drum of the appliance, this objective of the company has been met. The other objective of the company was manufacturing a home appliance that removes bacteria in dirty clothes (Hall, 2006). These are some of the aims of the company that contributes to the mission statement of Sanyo Aqua Company. This is a drum-style machine that allows for recycling of the used air in the appliance (Hall, 2006). Through the aqua machine, which has the ability to reuse bathwater and recycle, customers have not only been able to save their water bills but also saved water used alternatively for drinking and other household purposes. The appliance is interesting as it is the first air-washer that does not use detergents and thus have minimal pollution effects to the users and as well to the environment. This machine is only available in Japan and Taiwan. However, efforts by the company to venture into new markets have been made (Hall, 2006).
While marketing its new product, there are different marketing benefits enjoyed by the company. The company has its products selling and performing well in the current market. Sanyo Company has been able to establish itself as a reputable company following its current products in the market. Home appliance products such as DVD players, refrigerators, mobile phones, television sets and cameras from the company make the company have a positive reputation from its clients (Hall, 2006). This is strength to the company since the product has a potential of reaching what have already been reached by other products from the company.
The company creates value within its merchandises. This is through increasing the usability of its products. Aqua washing machine accommodates more dirty clothes than other washing machines available in the market. Example, the washing machine accommodates up to three kilos of dirty clothes more than other washing machines (Hall, 2006). This is an opportunity to the company since the product has higher usability than other washing machines available in the market. Besides this, the company ensures that the usability within the products is met. Example, through aqua washing machine, the appliance is relatively short, and its design makes it possible to be used by all kinds of women including short women. Usability is an opportunity enjoyed by the company while venturing into new markets and as well while extending its already existing markets. As a marketing plan, the company has the ability to meet its client’s expectations thus achieving its mission (Hall, 2006).
There is availability of substitutes in the markets. Available substitutes add up to the company’s opportunity while introducing Aqua washing machine. It should be noted that there are few efficient substitutes’ washing methods available in the market. These substitutes arise from the availability of difference in innovation ideas, value of the washing machine and as well additional services offered in the market by the washing machine. People have an alternative of doing their laundry manually (which is tiresome and time wasting). In addition, they can also get someone to do the cleaning of dirty clothes for them which is not an efficient method of cleaning clothes since it is not time and resource efficient. Lastly, people have an additional option of taking their dirty clothes to dry cleaners. These are available substitutes in the market. However, their inefficiency in washing clothes are counter-attacked by Aqua washing machine which is not only time but also resource saves (Hall, 2006).
Unlike other washing machines, Aqua washing machine does not use detergents in the cleaning process. This reduces cases of pollution arising from the use of detergents while cleaning dirty clothes. In addition, there are minimal costs while using the appliance as compared to other washing machines available in the market. This is strength that the company enjoys while introducing the product in new markets. As a marketing plan, Sanyo Aqua Company uses this strength in Japan and Taiwan when selling its household appliance (Hall, 2006). On the other hand, the appliance does not use water during its cleaning. This it uses oxygen freely from air. More so, the appliance has a design that incorporates a drum allowing reuse of bathwater and recycle it during the cleaning process makes the appliance stronger than other available appliance in the market. This is strength to the company as it allows its clients to have a reduced cost of cleaning and as well the ability to reuse bathwater while cleaning the dirty clothes (Hall, 2006).
Large economies of scale are another strength enjoyed by the company. Over the years of existence in the market, the company has been able to establish itself in terms of investing in different equipment required in the company and as well good will to the clients (Hall, 2006). Therefore, the company is able to save from the electronic industry. Savings from the electronic industry can easily be transferred to the washing machine industry making it able for the company to sell Aqua machine at a lower price as compared to other washing machine available in the market. This is strength to the company arising from large economies of scale.
Despite the opportunities and strength enjoyed by Sanyo Aqua Corporation, there are also some threats that the company faces (Hall, 2006). While venturing into new markets and as well while maintaining the already established market in Japan, the company faces a competition threat from other companies. Sanyo Aqua Company deals with competition from other international companies such as LG and Samsung. Threats from these companies arise from the fact that the companies have an experience in the selection of washing machine and as well some of companies such as Samsung have innovative ideas.
This threat faced by the company makes it crucial for the company to boost its marketing strategies. Competition threats from other companies faced by Sanyo Aqua have a negative impact on the company’s influence in the market.
Despite Sanyo existence in the market, aqua washing machine is a new product in the market. This implies that the product faces a threat of new entry into the market. Sanyo Company is susceptible to the threat of new entry while it is operating in environments requiring minimal investments in terms of capital and as well low costs of leaving the market. While venturing to different markets, threats from other companies and consumer’s perception towards the washing machine add up to the threats faced by the company. As a result, need of developing a comprehensive market strategy by the company arises (Hall, 2006).
Supplier power is another threat faced by the company. Since the washing machine is manufactured in Japan, venturing to other new markets limits the company’s power to monitor some external markets. Additionally, the company does not have a close association with new markets. Considering markets in United States, there is a requirement to the company to establish branches in these areas in order to monitor these markets. Association and monitoring threats arise from the company’s location. Supplier threats arise while a company is establishing new markets and while introducing new products into the market (Hall, 2006).
Sale of units to Harrier is weakness created by the company. The deal of selling shares and units to the Chinese company will lead to changes in the company. About 2000 employees of Sanyo Aqua Company will be transferred to Harrier Company. In addition, this transaction will lead to the sale of Sanyo’s shares in the refrigerator industry to Harrier Company (Hall, 2006). This is anticipated to lead to a reduction of revenue earned by Sanyo Aqua Company and as well its dominance in the Japan market. More so, the company’s activities will face external influence from Harrier Company (which is a Chinese company).
While dealing with the threats faced by Sanyo Aqua Corporation, there is a need for the company to establish strategies aiming at dealing with its weakness and threats. The company has a marketing strategy of employing innovative ideas previously working in other parts of the world and as well ideas used by other companies. This is a marketing strategy aimed at dealing with the competition threat faced by the company. On the other hand, dealing with their customers remains critical to the company. This is through the understanding that customer service is the most imperative method of dealing with competition from other washing machine manufacturing companies. Customer handling strategy is a highly used by the electronic industry of the company.
Establishing of branches in different regions is another marketing strategy used by the company. While introducing its washing machine to these areas, the company requires creating an associative environment with its clients (Hall, 2006). Achieving this can be through establishing new branches in different regions. Sanyo Aqua Company applies this strategy while expanding its markets and as well while introducing new products in the market.
Aqua washing machine is not only an innovative and unique product but also an efficient and cost friendly washing machine. Sanyo Aqua Corporation is in a position of venturing into new markets with the new product following its strengths, opportunities and marketing strategies that the company uses. Sanyo Aqua Company provides a good customer care, which is effective, reliable services and as well prompt delivery promises to the clients.
Hall, L. D. (2006). Brands and their companies : consumer products and their manufacturers with addresses and phone numbers. Farmington Hills, MI : Thomson Gale,.
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